PwC named a global leader in Workforce Management Consulting 2019


PwC named Best in Class for Needs Assessment.

PwC has been announced as a worldwide leader in ‘Workforce Management Consulting 2019’ by ALM Intelligence, a company that studies the global consulting marketplace, to provide analysis and rank the best providers across a range of services. As well as a leader, PwC was recognised as having the largest breadth of workforce management capabilities in the market, and was also named as the best in class provider for assessing client workforce management needs.

ALM ranked leaders are at the top of the market in terms of creating client impact through their depth of expertise and ability to deploy it across a range of engagement models. They are unique in their ability to independently execute a broad array of projects, with the aim of improving an organisation’s ability to plan for the human resources, skills, and workplace environment needed to achieve business objectives and goals.

Commenting on PwC’s strength of workforce management expertise, Liz DeVito, director at ALM and author of the report, says:

“PwC has evolved its approach to provide services that focus on helping clients build an organizational capability for strategic workforce management. For example, the firm’s Workforce of the Future Accelerator Workshops model new ways of working, e.g., scenario planning, agile co-creation, and design thinking, while the learning solutions practice, as they train clients on the use of workforce management accelerators and tools.

“The firm seeks to help clients navigate the evolving landscape of workforce management with an outside-in approach that instills awareness of the external operating environment into a disciplined process for building and implementing people strategies. To this end, the firm mobilises a comprehensive, globally consistent, and structured yet flexible suite of services to address the full range of issues exposed by workforce management practices that lack vision, purpose, and clarity.”

PwC named ‘Best in Class’ for Needs Assessment

The firm was also named in the report as the best in class provider for assessing client needs. Providers identified as best in class evidence deep capabilities in specific areas of Workforce Management consulting and stand out from their peers for their highly effective and often innovative consulting approaches and service delivery.

Liz DeVito, director at ALM and author of the report said:

“PwC’s Workforce Strategy Framework is an easily accessible model that can be used with stakeholders from various organisational constituencies to develop an outside-in perspective of workforce planning. The tool incorporates scenario planning concepts to help clients shape assumptions about the future business and a comprehensive framework of external factors that drive workforce strategies. A roadmap feature provides a structure for moving the planning discussion from ideation to action plan.”

Commenting on the achievement, Julia Lamm, PwC's global workforce strategy leader, said:

“It is fantastic to be recognised by ALM Intelligence as a global leader for workforce management. The way we work is undergoing a fundamental transformation and we are incredibly proud of how we are helping our clients prepare for the future of work, now. By understanding the possibilities of automation, the changing ways organisations harness their talent, and the needs of the business in a changing global landscape, we are enabling organisations to find, nurture and incentivise the right adaptable, innovative and skilled people they need for the digital age.”

Bhushan Sethi, PwC’s joint global leader for it People and Organisation practice added:

“This vanguard cements our position as a world class provider of workforce strategy. It is particularly great to see our framework recognised by ALM, which combines business scenario planning and strategic forecasting to help clients understand how the jobs and skills profile of the organisation needs to evolve to support shifts in corporate strategy. The way we work is changing. Organisations need a strong workforce strategy that helps them take action today to prepare for tomorrow's work, workforces and workplace.”

Contact us

Rob Donnelly

Global Analyst & Advisor Relations Leader, PwC United States

+1 (917) 471 3355


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