PwC named by ALM Intelligence as Leader in Cybersecurity Consulting


PwC named best in class for Needs Assessment and Client Capability Development.

PwC was announced as a Leader in ‘Cybersecurity Consulting 2019’ and “Best in Class” by ALM Intelligence, a company that assesses consulting firms in defined markets on the basis of their breadth and depth of service capabilities and ability to deploy those across highly-complex client requirements.

According to the report, Cybersecurity consulting capabilities and go-to-market strategies are evolving at a rapid pace. In fact, the speed of change over the last year is simply incredible with many major consulting firms re-branding their approach to meet the changing market dynamics. There has been a recognition across the board that there is no way to prevent a cyber attack and that the only hope is to minimise cyber risks. In addition, as organisations employ emerging technologies that increase connectivity both internally and with their external customers, the need for confidence in data protection is at the front of their minds.”

Commenting on the leader status, ALM states that “PwC’s One Firm, BXT (business, experience, technology) approach ensures strong client relationships and a holistic, integrated delivery model across lines of service with the goal of addressing an organisation’s strategic risk aligned with business strategy. In 2019, investments were made in Labs and Experience centers and onshore and offshore delivery center, acquiring talent in emerging technologies (AI, machine learning, analytics), co-source and managed services and expansion of all service offerings.

Additionally, PwC has been named ‘Best in Class’ for both Needs Assessment and Client Capability Development.

For Needs Assessment, the report states that: “PwC applies its One Firm, BXT (business strategy, user experience and technology capabilities) approach to each engagement. Cybersecurity is one of six global, firm-wide platforms to provide integrated solutions across lines of service, with the main goal of addressing clients’ strategic risks. The firm’s mission is to be a trusted provider from Boards and C-suites (building support and consensus for cyber initiatives) and throughout business functions working to build strong relationships, understanding the client’s business and helping the client to create a more secure digital trust business environment and a culture of security.”

For Client Capability Development, the report states that: “PwC works hand in hand with the client team to assure that mindsets and culture are aligned to the overall business and security strategy, and that the client develops the skills necessary to implement the solutions. PwC ensures a tailored exercise program to ensure that all teams in the organisational response structure are ready to put the designed framework and playbooks into action. For example, PwC’s Game of Threats provides interactive cyber crisis workshops using a strategy game to challenge client team members to make decisions and assess breach readiness. The firm coaches players through realistic scenarios to teach them what they can do better to prepare, respond and remediate an attack.”

Commenting on PwC’s approach, Laura Becker Analyst, Management Consulting Research at ALM and author of the report said: “PwC’s Cybersecurity and Privacy (C&P) practice approach is to build digital trust through awareness, local talent and global teams, multidisciplinary expertise (including significant industry depth), outcomes-based service arrangements, IP and delivery accelerators, repeatable methodology and tools.”

Sloane Menkes, Principal, and PwC’s Cybersecurity and Privacy Diversity and Inclusion leader said:  “PwC is proud to continue to receive this recognition by ALM and our clients.   As a global firm, we are focused on not just protecting business value through our cyber expertise and IP, we are creating business value for our clients – using cybersecurity and privacy as a tool to securely transform businesses. As companies pivot toward a digital business model, exponentially more data is generated and shared among organisations, partners and customers. Business digitisation and the digital economy exposes companies to new threats and vulnerabilities, making cybersecurity and privacy more important than ever.”  


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Rob Donnelly

Global Analyst & Advisor Relations Leader, PwC United States

+1 (917) 471 3355


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