Accelerating transformation with Industry Cloud

March 27, 2023

Industry-specific solutions—built using tailored ecosystems and integrated with leading technologies—to deliver valuable business outcomes

Most organizations today are on a cloud transformation journey, yet many report struggling to see the business value from their investment . In our latest Cloud Business Survey, 78% of executives responding told us their companies had adopted cloud in most or all parts of the business. So, why is tangible value elusive for many? Moving to the cloud or running parts of your business in the cloud is not the same as being cloud-powered. What does that really mean and what does it take?

Cloud-powered companies have leveraged the cloud to reinvent their businesses. They report fewer barriers to realizing value, and they’re doing so at a rate twice that of other companies. And even in the current business environment, they expect to see continued revenue growth of 15% or greater.

Industry clouds are collections of cloud services, integration fabrics, products and tools designed to provide sector-specific capabilities, modernized natively for cloud platforms and delivered at scale. PwC’s Industry Cloud solutions are built with a collaborative approach, using tailored ecosystems to customize journeys that help power change and reinvention.

Suneet Dua, Partner, Products & Technology Chief Revenue and Growth Officer, PwC US, said “Today, the question isn’t whether you’re going to move to the cloud but how you’ll do it and how fast. PwC helps clients redirect their cloud strategy from a purely technical focus to one that puts the needs of the business first. Our breadth and depth of cross-industry insights and engineering capabilities—plus our client-first approach to cloud—means we deliver industry-specific solutions that help create breakthrough outcomes for businesses.”

IDC recently conducted a US web-based survey, Industry Cloud Council, on current and forthcoming industry cloud developments, such as adoption patterns, best practices, benefits, challenges, ROI measures, and impact assessment. The IDC InfoBrief  ‘Industry Clouds Help Drive Resilience, Growth, and Connectivity’, sponsored by PwC, (March 2023 | IDC Doc #US50447523), identified the:

  • Motivations of industry cloud adopters 

  • Industries with highest propensity for adoption

  • Benefits and challenges users experience with industry clouds today 

  • Role these clouds play in industry ecosystems

  • Importance of partnerships in building industry clouds

  • Questions to consider when evaluating industry clouds and vendors

Contact us

Rob Donnelly

Global Analyst & Advisor Relations Leader, PwC United States

+1 (917) 471 3355


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