As the political and economic climate around Brexit continues to provide uncertainty across the globe, many AWMs feel confident that they are prepared for Day One following the UK’s departure from the EU – deal or no deal. But for them, this is only the beginning of the story. AWMs are now beginning to think hard about what comes next – above all, about how to best position their businesses for future growth and profitability.
“We received a clear message that the UK will remain a very important part of Europe’s finance ecosystem beyond Brexit. To this end, and to prevent further fracture, uncertainty and costs for business and investors, there is a strong desire among our clients for close alignment based on regulatory equivalence between the UK and the EU27,” said Andy O’Callaghan, Global Asset and Wealth Management Advisory Leader.
The report details the position of AWMs on Day One after Brexit, how they anticipate their operating models changing further in the months and years that follow, and how they see the long-term outlook for the industry as a whole.
Five key takeaways from the report:
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