PwC appoints new Global ESG Leader to drive ten-fold growth of its ESG practice

  • Press Release
  • September 21, 2022
  • Over 100,000 employees at PwC firms across the network have already taken part in ESG training
  • Multiple firms across the network already have ESG Centres of Excellence up and running
  • Jackson-Moore brings experience of private equity industry to drive impact on ESG

21 September 2022 – PwC has appointed Will Jackson-Moore as the new global ESG leader as it continues the roll out of ‘The New Equation’ - its strategy to help clients build trust and deliver sustained outcomes. The strategy, backed by US$12bn of investment, identified ESG as critical to answering the defining challenges for global business and committed PwC to supporting the transformation needed in the global economy. As it increases its impact, PwC is planning for ESG revenues to grow ten-fold over the next four years.

Will Jackson-Moore said:

“ESG is the defining business issue. Our global footprint gives us the opportunity - and responsibility - to help answer the challenge at scale. Every aspect is important, but right now the urgent need is to move beyond strategy and deliver the practical steps needed to tackle climate change. The focus has to be on net zero transformation of businesses and their supply chains, mobilising sustainable capital, enhancing resilience against climate risks and delivering robust reporting on progress. I am excited about helping our people create value by delivering sustained outcomes for our clients and stakeholders.”

PwC is upskilling its global network to help clients and stakeholders address their ESG challenges. Reflecting the fact that ESG is increasingly relevant to a large range of client challenges, PwC is upskilling its client-facing people around the world. Over 100,000 current employees across PwC firms have already taken part in ESG training.

PwC has created a number of ESG centres of excellence including a Sustainability Centre of ExcellenceOpens in a new window in PwC Singapore, as well as centres focused on topics including Hydrogen in PwC Germany, Water in PwC India, Agribusiness in Brazil and Renewable energy in PwC South Africa.

Will Jackson-Moore brings deep experience of helping clients deliver concrete impact, most recently as PwC’s Global Private Equity and Sovereign Investment Funds leader. His experience working with private equity firms as they factor climate into their portfolio strategies will bring a focus on delivery that he expects to be a hallmark of PwC’s approach to helping clients.

Will Jackson-Moore said:

“In the challenging economic environment, businesses are increasingly focused on ensuring they understand the economics of climate change, from cost of capital to impacts on talent acquisition. They are looking to work with partner organisations who combine a deep understanding of the social and environmental need for change with a relentless focus on delivering real-world impact.”

Since announcing The New Equation, PwC has continued to progress its own 2030 net zero journey, achieving SBTi validation of its science-based climate targets. PwC will set out more on its performance and the strategic alliances and global forums it works with across the ESG agenda in its upcoming Global Annual Review, to be released early October.


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PwC Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

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Ryan Stanton

Global Corporate Affairs & Communications, Managing Director, PwC United States

+1 310-367-1045


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