IFRS 9: Financial instruments

IFRS 9 fundamentally changed the accounting for financial instruments. The three key areas are Classification & Measurement (amortised cost, fair value with changes recognised in OCI or fair value with changes recognised in P&L), Impairment (forward-looking expected credit loss model) and Hedge accounting (rules have been eased).

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Our guidance on IFRS 9 follows the three main aspects of the standard; classification and measurement of financial assets, applying the expected credit loss model to financial assets and hedge accounting. 

Classification and measurement

IFRS 9 requires financial assets to be measured at amortised cost or fair value. Fair value changes will be in profit or loss or taken to OCI. Fair value through OCI is a consequence of the business model for some assets but an irrevocable election at initial recognition for other assets. Our specialists share their insights in our suite of publications, videos and tools.

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Marie Kling

Marie Kling

IFRS Leader for Financial Instruments and Financial Services, Global Assurance, PwC United States

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