A crucial factor for the successful implementation of nearly every regulatory requirement for banks is the robustness of the underlying IT infrastructure and the availability of high-quality data.
Furthermore, the ECB is increasingly concentrating on the collection of detailed data from their supervised banks to enable the calculation of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the derivation of facts from their own analyses.
This emphasis underscores the growing significance of data management and IT capabilities within banks. This trend is directly influenced by regulatory mandates such as BCBS 239 or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and also serves as a fundamental driver for meeting other steering and reporting requirements.
Establishing stable processes that are less prone to errors, ensuring high data quality, and achieving reproducibility with comprehensive characteristics.
Maintaining timely calculation of Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), achieving short production times even during periods of stress or crisis, ensuring appropriate reporting frequencies, keeping databases current, and enhancing the degree of automation.
Providing data at an appropriate level of granularity, presenting information in a comprehensible form, ensuring reports are concise and free from redundancy, and maintaining a balanced proportion of quantitative versus qualitative information.
Offering ad-hoc reporting capabilities, including drill-down possibilities, creating dynamic and interactive dashboards, facilitating user-specific details as needed, and allowing for easy expansion with new KRIs and KPIs, while ensuring simple and intuitive access.
Banks must navigate strict regulatory standards such as BCBS 239, GDPR, IReF, EBA Guidelines, and DORA, which govern IT and data management. Ensuring compliance involves robust data governance, secure IT systems, and the capacity to demonstrate these practices through precise reporting and regular audits.
PwC has supported numerous banks in various IT & Data Management related projects.
As a leading consulting firm, we can work closely with your organisation to deliver high-quality outcomes across all aspects of IT & Data Management. We can also advise on value-adding initiatives, identify areas requiring enhancements, and support clients on ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.
We can assist you with the following topics:
Conducting GAP analyses against relevant regulations and design tailored solutions to bridge potential gaps. This process ensures compliance and enhances data governance and IT management, aligning with regulatory expectations while boosting operational efficiency and data integrity.
Selecting tools specifically tailored to your requirements (e.g., metadata management, data quality management, or reporting) to ensure smooth integration with your existing systems and enhance your capacity to comply with regulatory mandates while improving overall data management processes.
Implementing solutions that encompass organisational and governance aspects, processes, and tooling by seamlessly integrating these into your business-as-usual (BAU) processes, while ensuring that the new systems not only align with your operational workflows but also strengthen your overall governance and compliance framework.
Conduct simulations of ECB On-Site Inspections (OSIs) to test and refine your systems. This proactive approach ensures that your organisation is well-prepared and compliant with ECB regulatory standards, reducing the risk of non-compliance during actual inspections.
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