Maximising cloud value: The essential role of risk and controls

  • Insight
  • 5 minute read
  • September 02, 2024

PwC’s latest EMEA Cloud Business Survey reveals that “cloud-powered” companies outperform other businesses by a significant margin on a number of key aspects. These include revenue growth, productivity, the ability to respond to cyber threats, and faster recovery from incidents. But what really sets these cloud-powered pioneers apart from the rest?

Our analysis shows these pioneers share several distinctive traits. One of the most striking aspects is that they assign much higher importance than other organisations to the adherence of their cloud governance and internal control framework.

As a result, these companies are taking a more mature approach to cloud transformation, including involving a wider range of functions across the business; adopting leading practices in cloud controls; forging stronger and closer relationships across all C-suite executives to facilitate collaboration around cloud; and making more effective use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). These approaches are key to obtain and deliver a higher realisation of sustainable value from cloud technologies.

While the benefits deriving from cloud are evident, the downside of failing to focus sufficiently on cloud risks and controls is equally clear and common. Aside from undermining value creation from cloud, it increases the risks of cybersecurity breaches, business interruption, regulatory violations and budget overruns. Organisations that recognise the need to evolve traditional risk and control frameworks as part of their cloud journey achieve benefits such as a reduction in the time it takes to manage compliance, wider control coverage and improved responsiveness to business demand and change.

To help organisations develop and maintain this focus, we have identified six points that support the existence and the importance of cloud risks and controls being embedded in a control framework. For each point described below we have developed a set of related actions which can be taken to strengthen cloud governance.

"An effective cloud control framework is no longer an option... but a crucial tool in the cloud transformation journey to improve governance, data security, operational resilience and business continuity throughout a period of change and uncertainty of an organisation."

Reggie Kelley,Partner, PwC UK

Six reasons why cloud-specific risks and controls are required – and related actions for each

1. Mature governance, risk and controls can generate major business benefits

Our research reveals a direct correlation between an organisation’s overall cloud maturity and the maturity of its cloud governance. The vast majority of cloud-powered companies have implemented formal controls to enhance operational efficiency, supported by a common control framework tailored to new cloud services, and have documented their shared responsibilities with their cloud service providers (CSPs). Crucially, most have also allocated ownership of cloud-related controls for governance, risk and compliance to a single business function with its own dedicated resources.

The business payback from taking these steps is clear and unambiguous. An overwhelming 83% of cloud-powered businesses in EMEA have increased their revenue over the past six to nine months (compared with 67% of other businesses), and 89% expect to increase their revenue over the next 12 months (compared with 78% of others). Additionally, 60% have implemented an enterprise-wide transformation, compared with 42% of others.

That said, almost all businesses still have opportunities to make further improvements in adopting leading practices in cloud governance, risk and controls. Tellingly, around 1/3 of cloud-powered companies and three-quarters of non-cloud powered companies have yet to implement cloud-specific controls. This is an area that deserves specific focus in cloud to ensure negative consequences are minimised and controlled. 

Figure 1: How would you assess the maturity of your organisation’s cloud controls across the following areas?

Source: PwC EMEA Cloud Business Survey 2023

Key takeaways: as part of implementing mature governance, risk and controls, organisations should…

  • Embrace a shared responsibility model, with accountabilities clearly allocated. CSPs will often manage some, but not all, of the controls required in a cloud environment (e.g. security, data, resilience and others), depending on the cloud services being subscribed for, such as PaaS, IaaS or SaaS. It is essential that organisations have a good understanding of the responsibilities shared with the CSPs, and translate the shared responsibilities into the company’s risk and control strategy and playbooks. Companies should clearly document the processes and activities outsourced to the CSPs, including contractual arrangements and exit strategies.
  • Implement robust data encryption and security governance procedures to ensure sensitive and/or personal data remain protected, both in transit and at rest. Organisations should also put in place a strong Identity and Access Management (IAM) strategy and access control framework to oversee users’ access to the cloud. These provisions and processes may be different from those already in place for on-premises systems, given that some responsibilities are likely to be shared with the CSPs.
  • Invest in comprehensive employee training to ensure a smooth transition to the cloud, taking into account the resulting changes to processes and workflows.

Conclusion: your best next step – implement effective controls in your cloud environment

As the experience of cloud-powered companies shows, cloud risks and controls should not be treated as an afterthought to be handled by the technology team only. The organisations which are most advanced in their progression towards cloud maturity are those that adopt a holistic, embedded and integrated approach to risks and controls from day one.

"Cloud risk and controls must be a high-priority focus across the C-suite from day one, addressed through a collaborative, multi-function approach and a clear governance framework, defining the shared responsibilities between the company and the CSPs it uses."

Benjamin Zenati,Director, PwC France

This correlation is no coincidence. Effective cloud controls are the vital enabler of any successful cloud transformation – enhancing governance, data security, operational resilience and business continuity through and beyond the transformation journey. Cloud controls should be embedded within the organisation to support innovation and harness the full potential of cloud technology, while addressing the security and compliance/regulatory risks that the transformation brings.

To find out more about how PwC can help you get your cloud risk and control strategy right, please get in touch with our experts below. 

Maximising cloud value: The essential role of risk and controls

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About the Authors

Reggie Kelley
Reggie Kelley

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Eleonora Bruni
Eleonora Bruni

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Benjamin Zenati
Benjamin Zenati

Director, PwC France

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