PwC’s latest EMEA Cloud Business Survey reveals that “cloud-powered” companies outperform other businesses by a significant margin on a number of key aspects. These include revenue growth, productivity, the ability to respond to cyber threats, and faster recovery from incidents. But what really sets these cloud-powered pioneers apart from the rest?
Our analysis shows these pioneers share several distinctive traits. One of the most striking aspects is that they assign much higher importance than other organisations to the adherence of their cloud governance and internal control framework.
As a result, these companies are taking a more mature approach to cloud transformation, including involving a wider range of functions across the business; adopting leading practices in cloud controls; forging stronger and closer relationships across all C-suite executives to facilitate collaboration around cloud; and making more effective use of automation and artificial intelligence (AI). These approaches are key to obtain and deliver a higher realisation of sustainable value from cloud technologies.
While the benefits deriving from cloud are evident, the downside of failing to focus sufficiently on cloud risks and controls is equally clear and common. Aside from undermining value creation from cloud, it increases the risks of cybersecurity breaches, business interruption, regulatory violations and budget overruns. Organisations that recognise the need to evolve traditional risk and control frameworks as part of their cloud journey achieve benefits such as a reduction in the time it takes to manage compliance, wider control coverage and improved responsiveness to business demand and change.
To help organisations develop and maintain this focus, we have identified six points that support the existence and the importance of cloud risks and controls being embedded in a control framework. For each point described below we have developed a set of related actions which can be taken to strengthen cloud governance.