Startups of today for the impact of tomorrow

An EMEA Startup video podcast series


This podcast series, hosted by Abhijeet Malik, EMEA Startup Network Driver, Senior Manager, PwC Belgium, explores how startups and scaleups are navigating the uncertainties and opportunities of today, to solve the challenges of tomorrow. Each episode showcases stories about how entrepreneurs collaborate with other players in the startup and scaleup ecosystem, offering their unique perspective on how the space is changing the world.

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All episodes in the series

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Abhijeet Malik: Hi, I'm Abhijeet Malik from PwC [PwC Belgium], and I'd like to welcome you to our new video podcast series "Startups of today for the impact of tomorrow". We have a lot of challenges in the world right now, but we also have a lot of opportunities. Every day, founders and entrepreneurs are coming up with new innovations and new ideas to solve these challenges. At PwC we work with companies such as startups, scaleups, and unicorns, but we also work with other players in the entrepreneurial ecosystem such as accelerators, corporate innovation units, venture capital firms, and private equity firms. We even work with the public sector, which is trying to encourage new entrepreneurship. Through our collaboration with such players of the ecosystem, we realise that the way such players interact with each other leads to synergies and sustainable solutions which will find new ideas for us to solve these challenges for today, but also the challenges which are going to come down the line.

In my role in PwC, I'm coordinating our teams and practitioners working with such players in the Europe, Middle East and Africa region (making connections and leveraging synergies). And I would really like to invite you to join us on this journey through this podcast series and listen to the stories of how the startups, the corporates, the accelerators, and the venture capital firms are working together on amazing solutions for all of us. So, stay tuned for our future episodes and more importantly, subscribe so that you don't miss any of them. Thank you.

Contact us

Abhijeet  Malik

Abhijeet Malik

EMEA Startup Network Driver, Senior Manager, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 4979 43589
