Women in Work 2025
The UK has slipped from 17th to 18th place, down from 10th in 2020 - the steepest post-pandemic decline amongst OECD countries - with Iceland, New Zealand and Luxembourg the best performing.
Co-founded by Kate Dwyer and Penelope Gazin, Witchsy is an online marketplace startup for artwork. Whilst trying to secure venture capital funding in Silicon Valley in 2016, they struggled to get meetings with Venture Capitalists (VCs) and their enquiries often went unanswered. When they did secure meetings, many of the male investors they met with wouldn’t take them seriouslyOpens in a new window.
In a bid to overcome this, the two women created a third fictional male co-founder called Keith Mann. When they began using Keith’s signature on emails to developers and potential investors, Keith got faster responses and more meetings than his women co-founders ever did. Our research suggests that this story is just as relevant today as when this sequence of events unfolded.
Today, WitchsyOpens in a new window is a thriving and profitable online business selling “art, pins, shirts, patches and weird wares made by special artists”. The founders’ success means their experience of sexism may serve as both a warning and inspiration for women entrepreneurs. On the one hand, as women they faced a unique set of barriers not faced by men. On the other, they overcame these challenges to fund, launch and run a successful business.
Put simply, it can be done. But the fact remains that the challenges around securing funding for women founders are both ongoing and well documented. The British Venture Capital Association research showed that for every £1 of VC investment in startups in the UK, all-men founder teams get 89 pence, mixed gender teams 10 pence, and all-women teams less than 1 pence (PDF)Opens in a new window. Furthermore the Rose Review of Female Entrepreneurship in the UK found that around one-third of women cite access to funding as the biggest barrier to starting a business (PDF)Opens in a new window, compared to 20% of men.
The UK isn’t alone in exhibiting such a gender imbalance. According to the last count of The State of European Tech 2021 study, women founders secured just 1% of all VC investment in EuropeOpens in a new window. Researchers of the report write: “The great gender funding divide remains a harsh reality for the European tech ecosystem.” There are signs this divide has been getting even wider at a global level with only 3% of total worldwide VC funding going to women-led startups in 2019Opens in a new window and falling further to just 2% in 2020. It becomes even harder for women of ethnic minorities, with only 1 Black woman founder receiving early stage VC investment in 2020.Opens in a new window
In light of this evidence, we took a closer look at the issues facing women entrepreneurs. We conducted interviews with 40 successful women founders from 25 different countries. We explored their first-hand experiences and perceptions of fundraising, from seed rounds through to Series D and beyond, and asked what advice they would give to other women entrepreneurs following a similar path. To make sure our interviewees could speak freely, all interviews were conducted off the record. Throughout the report, we have included verbatim quotes that are anonymised as the interviews were conducted on a non-attributable basis.
We analysed their responses and, whilst we covered much ground in the interviews, broadly we found five recurring themes. We put these forward here as our key recommendations for overcoming the barriers facing women founders seeking capital. This report aims to shine a light on the difficulties women routinely face when raising funding, whilst also giving inspiration and constructive advice to women that it is achievable despite the odds
The most significant takeaway that emerged from the research is: be prepared. According to Inc.’s Women Entrepreneurship Report, 62% of women entrepreneurs say they’ve experienced some form of gender bias during the funding processOpens in a new window. Many of the women founders we spoke to had encountered sexism in one form or another during the fundraising process. Furthermore, those that hadn’t experienced it directly had heard of other women who had. Their advice was that it is important to have a firm idea of what you will do when it arises.
While choosing investors wisely is vital for any startup, our women founder interviewees believe that it is especially crucial for women-led businesses. In their view, the selection process should involve both “head” and “heart”. The founders we spoke to recommended researching thoroughly the diversity and type of investor that you approach so that they reflect the values that are important to you. They also recommended applying gut feel and intuition to tell you whether an investor relationship is right for you and your business. Acting on your instincts also means being prepared to walk away if you feel they aren’t. In this context, one founder described female intuition as a “superpower” that gives women an edge in making the right choice.
“When choosing investors, be willing to say no sometimes. This is risky but worth it and can open up new opportunities. Be prepared to tell them they’re not the right partner, they didn’t treat you right, they don’t share the vision you have for the company.”
All agreed that the relationship with investors is a two-way street: you need to feel a genuine connection with them – as they will be an integral part of your business, potentially for many years to come. They also recommended that you need to be clear on what you want from the investor relationship aside from just money. For some founders, access to their network was very important. For others, it was the advice and mentoring support that was of great value.
“Take any advice from investors with a pinch of salt. They don’t actually run a company; they don’t know how to promise something to a customer and deliver. You do.”
Conversations with the women founders revealed that part of being strategic was choosing when to go for fundraising and evaluating if you really need to. Sharing insights into investors’ points of view, one founder commented that investors want to know that you want their money to expand your business, and not to survive. Many interviewees commented that founders are always fundraising and part of this should include networking. They believed that building relationships early on with investors is crucial. This is something that women may struggle with, preferring to only present their business to potential investors when they believe it is fully ready rather than engaging investors earlier on with a less well-developed product. They commented on the sweet spot of timing the fundraise so it’s not too early and not too late to ensure securing the investors that are right for the business.
“In my experience female investors are more likely to invest in companies or long-term projects that aim to have a positive social impact, rather than looking for a quick transactional relationship.”
Speaking about their experiences in pitch meetings, several had experienced situations where male investors had made personal comments about their age or appearance. Interviewees who had male co-founders commented that their male colleagues were typically asked different types of questions. Investors asked quantitative, data-centric and visionary queries to the male co-founder. However, women co-founders were asked more speculative, qualitative and risk questions to the woman. This echoes the findings in this Harvard Business Review articleOpens in a new window.
On the rare occasions where the potential investors were women, they tended to be more interested in ESG-type businesses and more supportive of women founders. But one interviewee, while agreeing this was the case, said some women investors were wary of being seen to focus too much on investing in women entrepreneurs. All the founders interviewed commented on how few women investors there were especially in male dominated industries. This is something we’ll be focusing on in our next piece of research.
Interviews with some of the women founders shed light on what they observed to be some personality differences between men and women. The overall view was that entrepreneurs of both genders have their own respective complementary strengths, and that both can benefit by adopting some of these from the other.
“I’ve heard comments that men can be more concise whereas women can be more empathetic. What I take away from those comments is that I need to check myself when I’m getting too caught up in a situation. I need to take a step back and propose concise solutions. But I consider empathy a strength and I certainly don’t plan to give it up. I do plan to find the right balance”
Many of our interviewees felt that their key strengths as women are feminine intuition, passion, and empathy. They viewed their ability to communicate with emotion as an advantage – but added that it was vital to own this aspect of their femininity and be authentic in expressing it. Interestingly, some of the respondents who have male co-founders noted how they instinctively took on a more compassionate role in investor meetings, while their male business partners focused on the more technical details. It is important to note that was not the case for women co-founders with a technical or financial background or those who were responsible for this area. In situations where a woman founder was the CFO, she would be asked financial questions by investors, recognising that this was her area of expertise.
“Don’t be shy about asking for what you deserve or posing a question directly. Women sometimes can be hesitant about taking a direct approach. Work to overcome your hesitation.”
Some of what the interviewees cited as traditionally male traits were exhibiting confidence in their own ability and not taking criticism personally. Our interviewees said greater confidence does come with experience, but that they believed being thick-skinned is a harder behaviour to learn, particularly for women. Some described how they’ve deliberately adapted their behaviour or style to get their message across more effectively. However, others stressed that it shouldn’t be down to women to adapt in order to confront outdated stereotypes, as this compromises who they really are.
“Be your authentic self. Authenticity goes a long way in interpersonal connections. Don’t feel you have to be more assertive than is comfortable for you just to please others in the room.”
A key aspect of raising capital is telling a compelling story that investors will buy into. This is especially important in the early rounds where success at pre-seed and seed rounds rely, in part, on potential. That’s why successful women founders say that, as a woman entrepreneur, it’s vital to become a great storyteller, and incorporate your passion and your “why” into your story. It’s vital to prepare painstakingly, practise the presentation in advance, get it honed to perfection – and be very clear on what you’ll say about who you are, why you set up your business, what the metrics are, and where you want to take it.
“Don’t think about the fact that you are a woman. Focus on your product and markets and the metrics around them.”
Our interviewees also cautioned against underselling yourself or your idea. Some felt that women tend to be more humble and modest than men. This is an area where appropriating some traditionally “male” traits can be especially useful, as discussed earlier. They urged women entrepreneurs to show that they own their story and their business – and to be proud and passionate about both. And when telling the story, they stressed the importance of staying true to yourself. The story should bring you back to why you initially started your business and help you to distinguish between which ideas to take on board and which to discard.
“I’ve taken the personal aspect out by putting my company in objective situations, like entering industry competitions to gain credibility and focusing on getting important customers to make it less about gender. I also use strong metrics and independent feedback to build my profile.”
A number of our women founders described techniques they use to keep themselves centred on their story. A recurrent theme was the added strength and resilience that come from seeing yourself as an embodiment of your company – effectively personifying yourself as the business, and thereby distancing your own individual feelings and emotions from anything that’s said about it.
“When I go in to talk about my business, I personify myself as the company. I’m the business, the logo, the brand, the customers and the product. Channelling this helps me deal with any situations that arise, as it makes me feel that negative opinions are not about me personally.”
Many interviewees commented on how lonely the entrepreneurial journey is and a recurring theme of our conversations with women founders was the importance of mutual support and, in many cases, the subsequent friendships that form between women in the startup ecosystem. Many interviewees said they were members of networks of women entrepreneurs, both formal and informal, who had come together to share experiences and provide mutual support.
“You should surround yourself with a community of female CTOs, investors and operators that can help you grow…An ecosystem where you can ask difficult questions and seek advice.”
The common view was that these networks can be a valuable source of guidance and advice, and a help to women as they grow their businesses. For example, our interviewees gave examples of sharing pitch decks, mentoring connections and references. In this way, it’s hoped that the networks will help to increase the numbers of successful women entrepreneurs and investors over time.
“We’ve created a network of female tech founders where we share experiences and offer advice. We don’t see each other as competition but support each other. Women are more likely to give favours than ask for a favour. This is the conclusion we’ve come to within our network of women, and we’re supporting each other to be more like that.”
A further positive force for change – one highlighted by several interviewees – is experienced women entrepreneurs mentoring the up-and-coming generation. Furthermore, many of the interviewees spoke about the importance of both having and being role models for other women.
“Remember how nice it felt when someone opened a door for you.”
However, a number of interviewees sounded a note of caution about diversity sometimes being used as a public relations exercise rather than a genuine attempt to drive change. They counselled that the women founders should seek out the best mentor, investor or adviser irrespective of their gender. This comes back to the point about using your intuition when choosing where you go for support.
“Don’t give up as you giving up means less representation for other female founders. One of us getting to the top means one more role model to look up to.”
Virtually all of the women founders we spoke to were fully aware of the statistics about how few women-founded businesses manage to secure VC funding and knew about the challenges they would encounter as a woman entrepreneur. However, they stressed that – as their own success showed – these challenges can be overcome and that as an aspiring woman entrepreneur, you shouldn’t let the statistics discourage you. As they highlighted, it’s important to remember that the media often focuses on the negative news stories, such as the gender divide, and is less likely to report on stories that show progress is being made.
“Don’t let the stats on female entrepreneurs put you off. If you have a great product and great metrics, you’ll get funding from investors that see the value of your company – whether you’re male or female.”
Coining a memorable phrase, one respondent summed up the hurdles facing women startup entrepreneurs as a “female tax” – reflecting the need for women to work harder and be more resilient than their male counterparts. But in common with many other interviewees, she also stressed the importance of retaining your integrity and staying true to yourself throughout the journey, whatever might happen along the way. This means having clear red lines for what you will and won’t tolerate, knowing what your values are, and being ready to deal with unacceptable behaviour when it arises.
“Stay true to yourself. You will get lots of different opinions on what’s right or wrong. But as an entrepreneur you have to take feedback where you feel it is right, while ultimately staying true to yourself and not acting like someone you’re not.”
In our view, two distinct messages come across from our series of conversations with successful women founders. The first is that any woman seeking funding for a startup business will almost certainly encounter barriers related to their gender along the way. The other is that being prepared for these challenges and addressing them in the right way is key.
“As women, we need to strengthen our internal belief system and be confident. From an early age, women are told we can achieve less. If we want others to believe in us, we need to start with ourselves. So be yourself and believe in yourself.”
But while change may be relatively gradual, it can and will happen. As a recent Financial Times article showed, in 2022, women entrepreneurs launched a record number of businesses in the UKOpens in a new window.
The pioneering women entrepreneurs we’ve interviewed are blazing a trail for others to follow. As one founder commented: “The entire startup ecosystem needs to decide to make a change in terms of facilitating more female-led businesses.” That’s the journey we’re on and every successful woman founder moves us forward another step.
A huge thank you to the inspiring women founders who took part in this project. We wish you every success with your businesses and the part you are playing in changing the world.
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The UK has slipped from 17th to 18th place, down from 10th in 2020 - the steepest post-pandemic decline amongst OECD countries - with Iceland, New Zealand and Luxembourg the best performing.
58 women investors from 26 countries share their views on how women entrepreneurs can increase their chances of raising capital.
Live from Slush 2023, our panel discuss the challenges faced by female emerging tech founders when fundraising and ways to overcome them.
Earlier this year we carried out our own research into the disparities female founders face and discovered five recurring themes. Listen to our LinkedIn Live as we discuss these findings.