PwC EU Services

Creating value for the institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union

What we do

PwC works with the institutions, agencies and bodies of the European Union to deliver sustained outcomes for society and our planet. We understand the delivery pressures, public accountability requirements and administrative controls unique to the EU institutional system. Our ability to draw on extensive national and international experience complemented by deep industry knowledge enables us to propose practical, workable and innovative solutions that help our public sector clients meet the changing needs of European citizens.

Our teams based in the 27 EU Member States and worldwide, offer EU services in the areas of:

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EU hot topics

Tax & customs

Taxation and customs policies play a key role in ensuring the smooth functioning of the EU Single Market, for the benefit of European citizens and businesses.

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Be a better decider

As reinvention pressure rises, CEOs need to rewire their decision-making.

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Contact us

Philippe Pierre

PwC Global Leader European Union Institutions (EU), PwC EU Services EEIG General Manager, PwC Luxembourg

Tel: +352 49 48 48 4313

Gillian O'Connor

Chief Operating Officer, PwC EU Services EEIG, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 2 710 46 51

Tal Hasson

Director, EU Clients & Markets, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 2 710 46 45