New Ventures and Innovation

A passionate community of tech-savvy solvers

Building trust and solving important problems

At PwC, we can trace our origins back to the mid-19th century, when new types of business advice emerged to meet new needs. While we've evolved since then, we're still focused on innovation and leading the way in helping organizations of all types build a better future for themselves and society.

You don’t achieve long-term success like that by standing still. The only way is through constant change and innovation. Put simply, innovation is embedded into our DNA. It always has been.

Never has our innovation DNA been as vital as it is today. The profound changes and daunting challenges facing the world mean our clients – and indeed our own network – can only succeed by creating a virtuous circle between earning trust and delivering sustained, more intelligent outcomes. 

And the way to do this? Having people and technology work hand-in-hand. Combining human ingenuity with technology to envision and build a future that’s human-led and tech-powered. 

virtual reality

A passionate community of solvers

Over the past few years, we’ve transformed ourselves around such a future. First, by running a global digital upskilling initiative involving seven million hours of intense learning. Then by redirecting those new skills towards high-value activities that our clients need and our people enjoy. 

The result? A passionate community of tech-savvy solvers coming together in unexpected ways, creating new solutions for an increasingly complex world. That’s PwC today: people and tech working together for sustained outcomes.

With you in the metaverse

Learn how we're creating value for enterprise and society in the metaverse.

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Sharing experience, insights and knowledge

All of this embodies our purpose of building trust and solving important problems. But our purpose also brings us a responsibility to share our innovation experience, insights and knowledge as widely as we can.  

We’ve created this page to do just that. Through it, we tackle and probe today’s hottest topics in the wider world of innovation, and offer you access to our latest and most exciting thought leadership across the entire innovation landscape. 

Take our Crypto Center: a single portal for all our thinking and expertise around the crypto revolution that’s already transforming the financial markets, and is rapidly expanding into business transactions of all types.

Innovation is in our DNA

The Solvers Challenge showcases our concepts and ideas that are commercially viable and offer client value. The entire Challenge process is operated like a startup venture: fast, nimble and focused! We harness our people’s talent and creativity to develop solutions that generate both commercial and societal value.

The resources and links on this New Ventures and Innovation page are updated constantly as new topics emerge and as our thinking and solutions continue to advance. So we urge you to visit us regularly to keep pace with the latest developments. Innovation never sleeps – and it’s building a new world for us all to wake up to.

Driving innovation

8 results

Strategy + business, a PwC publication

Be a better decider

As reinvention pressure rises, CEOs need to rewire their decision-making.

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Contact us

Steve Willcocks

Steve Willcocks

Director, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)7841 954166