Navigate Tax and Legal Measures in response to COVID-19

The ​COVID-19 pandemic continues to present significant challenges around the globe and the disruption continues to evolve. Now’s the time for organisations to rethink and reconfigure their strategies, focusing efforts on supporting key areas of their businesses in a new environment.

It is critical that organisations consider the broader economic, political and societal context businesses now operate in, in order to make informed and compliant decisions that drive operations forward. Below is a tool to enable you to stay abreast of the complex changes that impact your business by providing you with the latest COVID-19 tax, legal, people, and regulatory responses by territory. This will be updated as changes continue to develop.

Explore the latest COVID-19 tax and legal response by territory

Select a Country / Region from the list below to display the latest information. Next, select a topic to refine the information, and then add another Country / Region to compare.

Page last updated at 12:00 PM GMT on 26 November 2021.


This information gathers together information on matters of general guidance and provides a high-level overview of the nature and extent of measures local authorities are taking in response to the COVID-19 pandemic as at the date set out herein. This is made available for information purposes only and no PwC Member Firm accepts any liability or responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy or completeness of this information or any use you may make of it. While best efforts from PwC Member Firms across the PwC Network have been used to compile this information, from reliable sources, matters are moving and evolving at a fast pace as governments respond. Accordingly, you are on notice that any use you make of this information, or any reliance you place on it, is solely your responsibility. For professional advice and assistance, please contact your usual PwC contact.


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Carol Stubbings

Carol Stubbings

Global Chief Commercial Officer, PwC United Kingdom

Tel: +44 7739 874275

Brad Silver

Brad Silver

Managing Partner, Global Tax and Legal Services, PwC United States

Tel: +1 (917) 373-0941

Marc Silverman

Marc Silverman

Clients and Markets Leader, Global Tax and Legal Services, PwC United States

Tel: +1 (646) 436 6657

Tony O'Malley

Tony O'Malley

Partner, PwC Australia

Tel: +61 408 480 894

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