Transfer Pricing Perspectives

The new normal: full TransParency

The articles in this October 2016 edition of Transfer Pricing Perspectives are based on our sessions at our recent Global Transfer Pricing Conference in Toronto. For this year’s edition, we would like to highlight new and refined service offerings, such as value chain analysis, that are best suited to tackle the new challenges. Global Coordinated Documentation with the Master File and Local File, as well as country by country reporting have changed the perception and added to the complexity of TP compliance in a significant way. Finally, we continue to “bridge the gap” between tax and industry expertise, which is why we are happy to share several excerpts on industry developments as well. We hope you will enjoy reading  and that they will help you be even better equipped for the changes we’re expecting to see in the coming.

Contact us

Isabel Verlinden

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC Belgium

Tel: +32 (0)2 710 44 22

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