Tax policy & Administration

We work with clients to help them understand the impact of tax policy on their businesses and communicate effectively with the policymakers and stakeholders that shape tax policy.

Navigate the complexities of tax policy

Tax policy is a complex and rapidly evolving topic. We help our clients to understand developments in this area, build trust and deliver sustained outcomes. Our global professionals engage with a range of stakeholders—including individuals, companies and non-business organisations—to find solutions to tax policy and governmental challenges together.

Tax Policy webcasts and videos

Join us for Global Tax Talk—a PwC on-demand video series that brings you the global tax policy news you need to know in a format that you can access on the go.

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Building Trust

Our aim is to build trust 

Together, we can design tax policies that will support economic growth, lead to more broadly shared prosperity, and meet the societal goals that tax policies set out to achieve.

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Will Pillars One and Two agreements affect your business?

In July 2023, the OECD/G20 Inclusive Framework on BEPS (IF) of around 140 countries released further documents relating to Pillar One and Pillar Two of the long-running project on the globalisation and digitalisation of the economy.

Woman looking at Laptop

Pillar One tax policy resources

Pillar 1 aims to provide for various multinational groups with consolidated revenue over €20bn and profitability above 10%: 

  • a more formulaic way of allocating profit to market countries regardless of where the business’ physical activities are located (Amount A),
  • modified transfer pricing principles to standardise and simplify returns allocated to “routine” marketing and distribution functions (Amount B), and
  • new dispute prevention and resolution mechanisms.

Pillar One latest guidance and consultations


Pillar Two tax policy resources

Pillar 2 aims to introduce for multinational groups with consolidated revenue over €750m:

  • a global minimum Effective Tax Rate (ETR) via a system where such groups are subject to a minimum ETR of 15% on income arising in a low-tax jurisdiction, and
  • a subject to tax rule (STTR) applying a minimum rate of 9% to interest, royalties and a defined set of other payments.

Pillar Two Readiness

Are you #PillarTwoReady?

PwC’s Data Input Catalog is at the centre of PwC’s end-to-end process for Pillar Two. Acting as the foundation to develop an extensive data strategy, assess operational preparedness, or determine a modelling approach, PwC’s Data Input Catalog is the core to Pillar Two readiness.

Find out more

Pillar Two Country Tracker Online

Check the status of the implementation of the Pillar Two rules by country in our PwC’s Pillar Two Country Tracker Online.

Find out more

How we can support you

Our Tax policy network simplifies the complexity of tax policy-making for individuals and organisations. We help clients understand the impact of tax policies on their businesses, plan for future changes, and promote productive dialogues between stakeholders.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) approach

Tax is an environmental, social and governance (ESG) metric and a driver of sustainable growth. ESG is an umbrella term that covers the duties of businesses in relation to climate and society, and priorities such as purpose that go beyond value creation. Governments and supranational bodies also play a vital role in encouraging such thinking and the actions it can spur.

We can help:

  • assess your control framework needs to facilitate good tax governance
  • consider tax risk-management approaches to ensure material items are elevated to the board for consideration
  • prepare strategies for reporting on tax as part of a wider business strategy
  • determine businesses Total Tax Contribution and how that is perceived in a country-by-country analysis.
  • design holistic approaches considering broader sustainability and governance criteria, preventing a silo mentality.

Tax and ESGOpens in a new window

"Tax is complicated and interconnected. Balancing competition and consensus is hard. And governments have significant incentives to undertake short-term actions that are driven by local demands at the expense of international collaboration. Nonetheless, the spectre of years of wrangling over tax should serve to bring people together."

Carol Stubbings, Global Chief Commercial Officer

Related Insights

Contact us

Will Morris

Will Morris

Global Tax Policy Leader, PwC United States

Tel: +1 202 213 2372

Edwin  Visser

Edwin Visser

Deputy Global Tax Policy Leader, EMEA Tax Policy Leader, PwC Netherlands

Tel: +31 88 792 3611

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