Episode 108: Special Edition – Financial Transactions Transfer Pricing

November 07, 2024

In this TP Talks Special Edition podcast, David Ledure (Global Financial Transactions Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC Belgium), Stan Goldenberg (M&A Transfer Pricing Director, PwC US), Andrew Cotterill (Transfer Pricing Senior Manager, PwC UK), and Ben Pietersen (Eurasian Transfer Pricing Director, PwC Georgia) discuss debt capacity from a transfer pricing perspective, exploring the principles and practices of the US, UK, Georgia, and other Eurasian countries. The discussion underscores the nuanced and fact-specific nature of debt capacity analysis across different jurisdictions, with varying implications for taxpayers.

Contacts: David LedureOpens in a new windowStan GoldenbergOpens in a new windowAndrew CotterillOpens in a new windowBen PietersenOpens in a new window

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Horacio Peña

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (917) 478-5817

Kristina Novak

Washington National Tax Services, Transfer Pricing, Principal, PwC US

Tel: +1 (469) 878-4552