Episode 99: More pain? A review of the transfer pricing controversy environment

October 16, 2023


In this TP Talks episode, Kristina Novak (Principal in PwC’s US National Tax Services Transfer Pricing Practice), David Swenson (Consultant in PwC’s US National Tax Services Transfer Pricing Practice), and Mark Thomas (Principal in PwC’s US National Tax Services Transfer Pricing Practice) discuss the current tax and transfer pricing controversy landscape, including the current audit environment, the impact of global tax reform, the IRS’s recently announced audit initiative, and more.

Contacts: Kristina Novak, David Swenson, Mark Thomas

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Horacio Peña

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (917) 478-5817

Kristina Novak

Washington National Tax Services, Transfer Pricing, Principal, PwC US

Tel: +1 (469) 878-4552
