Episode 63: TP readiness amid economic uncertainty — Tax controversy: Is transfer pricing low hanging fruit for tax authorities?

November 10, 2020


This TP Talks Special Edition podcast focuses on transfer pricing controversy, specifically as it relates to government subsidies in response to the current economic crisis and the resulting transfer pricing challenges multinationals may face when governments look to recover these subsidies. The panelists provide insights on what steps companies can take today to prepare for potential transfer pricing audits.


  • Shiraj Keshvani – Tax Dispute Resolution Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC Canada
  • Diane Hay – Special Advisor Tax Controversy Co-leader for Europe, PwC UK
  • Carolyn Fanaroff – Transfer Pricing Managing Director, PwC US Washington National Tax Services

Contacts: Shiraj Keshvani, Diane Hay, Carolyn Fanaroff

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Horacio Peña

Global Transfer Pricing Leader, PwC US

Tel: +1 (917) 478-5817

Kristina Novak

Washington National Tax Services, Transfer Pricing, Principal, PwC US

Tel: +1 (469) 878-4552
