Cookie policy

Why are we not using cookies ?

We use local storage instead of cookies, which will ensure that our interactive experiences work correctly and can be embedded on, but still allow us to collect some information on how visitors interact with our site, if they provide their consent.

What is local storage?

The localStorage and sessionStorage properties store information about the session in the browser.

What is being stored?

  • A boolean (true/false) scoped to the experience that lets us know if a user has provided tracking consent or not for that experience.
  • If consent is given, a user token string scoped to the experience to allow us to identify them between visits. This allows us to know whether or not they’re a unique visitor on each visit.
  • A full URL of the page the visited the experience from.
  • The domain name of the website they visited the experience from.

Here's a handy table of what our interactive experiences store in the browser's local storage:

Key Value(s) Purpose
domain_tracker/[account-slug]/[experience-slug] user_token: string User token for tracking individual users across experience visits
experience_tracker/[account-slug]/[experience-slug] initial_referrer: string, initial_referring_domain: string Full URL of the referring page, domain of the referring page

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