When you need help raising capital for your company, whether in the private or public arenas, PwC can advise you on everything from origination to execution. We provide you with objective advice in your assessment and navigation of the capital markets life cycle through primary and secondary offerings of equity, debt and hybrid securities.
We have worked on some of the most complex transactions to support the development of infrastructure (PPPs) and for raising financing in Trinidad. In addition we have supported the Government of Trinidad & Tobago on key privatization transactions. If you need to raise capital for a specific project, whether in the public or private sectors, PwC has the global and local industry knowledge, contacts and advice to help you succeed.
Employing our worldwide wealth of experience, we can advise you on all aspects of acquisitions, divestitures, mergers, joint venture transactions, privatisations, hostile offers and defences against unsolicited takeover attempts.
For all your corporate and project finance, and M&A transactions, we can offer additional support, input and objectivity. This includes business plans, financial modelling, financial due diligence, valuations and fairness opinions.
If you’re a stakeholder in a troubled or under-performing business, we can advise you on enhancing viability and recovering your investment as well as help you plan an optimised exit.
We investigate allegations of corruption, fraud, and other forms of corporate wrong doing, Through out international network of firms we also provide asset recovery and corporate intelligence services. We also work together with law enforcement agencies, legal counsel and Boards of Directors to deliver clarity and confidence as we assist clients to prevent, respond to and remediate their complex legal, regulatory and economic crime business challenges. We also assist clients to collect, store, retrieve and analyse data for investigations, litigation and commercial purposes through our Forensic Technology Services (“FTS”) team, tools, and FTS laboratories.