Environmentally conscious

We will be sourcing 100% renewables for our electricity consumption by 2022

Climate protection and reducing our environmental footprint are of strategic importance in PwC’s global network. In order to drive sustainable growth, we have undertaken to implement short- and long-term environmental goals, and we align our operation with these goals.

Net Zero

The PwC global network has announced a worldwide science-based commitment to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Within the next ten years, PwC will decarbonise its operations, including our travel footprint, and invest in carbon removal projects to compensate for residual emissions.
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Green office task force

Our “green office” task force of volunteers meets regularly to discuss ideas on how to incorporate environmental consciousness into our day-to-day operations and off-work activities. We are reaching out to as many colleagues as possible from different units within our firm, so we can consider different issues and needs when developing our projects.

We organise a step counting competition every year: this has a beneficial effect on team spirit, which helps us to work better together. In the spirit of waste reduction, employees can drop items that they no longer need but are in good condition in the Charity Box in our office. We also participate in the Jane Goodall Institute’s “Pass It Back, Bro” campaign, in which we collect used cell phones.

In addition to regular collection drives, we also organise seasonal charity events where we distribute donations to different organisations. For example, we organised our Christmas shoebox campaign in December 2022 and the #nemluxustaska donation drive last spring.

Occasionally, some of us go on a hike to repaint faded hiking trail markers, which gives us a great opportunity to get out and do something for our community. During our annual Volunteer Day in the autumn of 2022, our colleagues carried out several important environmental activities outdoors, including picking up litter and maintaining nature trails in the Pilis Park Forest, and restoring tourist shelters and information boards on the Lombkorona Trail around Pannonhalma Abbey.

Environmentally conscious every day

As service providers, we impact our environment with our operations, rather than with tangible products. What we create is information, which in many cases is still paper-based. Due to our significant paper usage (about 1,500 financial statements annually) we strive to offer our employees alternative solutions in order to avoid unnecessary printing. 

Our firm owns one Nissan Leaf all-electric car, which demonstrates our commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability. We use these cars for courier services. Where possible, our staff also use them instead of taxis or rented cars to visit clients in Budapest, reducing our environmental impact on the city.

To promote alternative means of transport, in addition to taxis, MOL Limo is also available for business use. In addition to car sharing, we also promote public bike rental services: we provide annual MOL Bubi passes to all our staff.


Szőke Cecília

Szőke Cecília

PR Vezető Menedzser, PwC Hungary

Mészáros Balázs

Mészáros Balázs

Partner, PwC Hungary

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