This is the twelfth time that PwC Hungary has surveyed the opinions of Hungarian CEOs in personal interviews about the economic environment, their own business prospects, the difficulties and threats they are facing, and the strategic and organisational responses they propose.
In the survey, which was conducted between October and December 2022, CEOs were asked for the first time this year to say who they consider to be the most inspiring business leader in Hungary. Based on the responses of the 267 CEOs surveyed, Zoltán Gazsi, Managing Director of Eisberg Hungary Kft., has won the Most Inspiring Leader Award for 2022. By creating the award, PwC aims to promote leaders who not only deliver business results but also focus on building a model company culture, and who can serve as role models for their peers.
To watch a video with Zoltán Gazsi, winner of the 2022 Most Inspiring Leader Award, in which he shares his leadership credo and the tasks he considers to be the most important in today’s economic environment, and to find out more about the results of our survey, please visit PwC’s Hungarian CEO Survey website.
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