The Extended Producer Responsibility fee rates have been announced

Tax & Legal Alert | PwC Hungary | 5 June 2023

A significant increase compared to the environmental protection product fee rates

The ministerial decree prescribing the Extended Producer Responsibility (“EPR”) fee rates was published on 2 June 2023 in Magyar Közlöny (the Hungarian Official Journal).

In the case of collective fulfilment of the obligation to pay the Extended Producer Responsibility fee, the fee rates for each circular economy product are indicated in the table below (compared to the current environmental protection product fee rates).

Product category Extended Producer Responsibility fee rate (HUF / kg) Currently applicable product fee rate (HUF / kg)
plastic packaging 219 57
(plastic carrier bags: 500 / 1,900)
paper and cardboard packaging 173 19
metal packaging 186 19
other packaging 129 57
wooden packaging 19 19
textile packaging 67 19
glass packaging 77 19
composite packaging 168 19 / 57
single-use and other plastic products 113 -
temperature exchange equipment 116 57
screens, monitors and equipment containing screens with a surface area greater than 100 cm2 362 57
lamps 306 -
large equipment (any external dimension more than 50 cm) 124 57
photovoltaic panel (any external dimension more than 50 cm) 63 57
small computer and telecommunications equipment (no external dimension more than 50 cm) 261 57
portable battery, accumulator 160 57
industrial battery, accumulator 239 57
vehicle battery, accumulator 238 57
vehicle 21 flat rate
tyre 137 57
office paper 128 19
paper-based advertisement 94 85
frying oil and fat 36 -
textile products 145 -
wooden furniture 17 -

The regulation, which will come into force on 1 July 2023, will set significantly higher rates than the current environmental protection product fee rates for almost all material and product streams. Although this will result in a significant reduction (even to zero) of the product fee liability for the products concerned (as the per-unit Extended Producer Responsibility fee rate will be deducted from the per-unit product fee rate), there will be a significant additional financial burden overall.

This makes it even more important for the affected companies to correctly determine the scope of their transactions and products subject to the EPR fee.

If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact:

László Deák

Gábor Farkas

Balázs Szük
Senior Manager

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Cecília Szőke

Cecília Szőke

PR Senior Manager, PwC Hungary

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