SmartTax solutions

Automation of financial and tax processes with software solutions developed on the basis of decades of experience in tax consulting

Who we are

SmartTax is a technology team working directly with PwC Hungary’s tax advisory team, whose main task is to develop automated solutions to support financial and tax processes aimed at solving client issues identified during our daily advisory activities.

Our team, which currently consists of 30 professionals specializing in software development, technology support, and business consulting, was created in 2016, when the first developer joined our tax consultants to help automate the completion of VAT returns. The software solutions and the subsequent expansion of our team were driven by client needs related to the launch of the Hungarian tax authority’s (“NAV”) Online Invoicing System, and from there, in line with client needs identified in our daily tax consulting practice, the SmartTax portfolio has grown dynamically, and we are now able to provide specific IT solutions and support to our clients covering the areas described below. 

Contact us

Gábor Farkas

Gábor Farkas

Partner, PwC Hungary

Attila Péter Papp

Attila Péter Papp

Manager, PwC Hungary

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