PwC interim CFO services

The unexpected loss of a key employee, too many projects to manage at the same time, the break-down of a critical process, ERP rollouts, automation challenges or organisational changes, expansion in a new environment, or substancial growth. These are all events which result in non routine or critical situations needed to be addressed quickly by the company. At PwC we can offer interim assistance to be or supplement your finance team so you can hire expertise for a period when your financial function is under pressure for a reason. 

Based on the extensive knowledge, as well as broad experience of PwC staff who understand your business and are keen to look after it, we can deliver expertise in short time, in functions or competences you need in the field of finance, to professionalise and optimise your financial function. CFO services can be tailored with great flexibility, ensuring high level of quality at minimum risk helping you to deliver your goals successfully in partnership with PwC.

Who is CFO services for?

  • For startups looking to growth and raise substancial investment
  • For small companies and startups having a high demand of reporting from investors
  • For companies being in resource shortage for finance expertise or skills
  • For companies planning ERP rollout or automation projects
  • For companies that need data quality and reporting improvements
  • For companies expanding in Hungary
  • For companies planning a merger, or an exit

Services at a glance

Interim expert services

With hands-on controlling and accounting experience in practice, either in a temporary or project set up, to fill in empty managerial or expert positions with resources or to deliver critical tasks requiring special knowledge and experience.

Project management 

Providing financial expertise and control, as well as best practice knowledge, complementing your internal expert pool. Efficient representation of the finance function in internal projects with end-to-end view (e.g. ERP projects including selection support, process change projects, organisational change projects).

Improvement and optimisation of finance operations 

Support with broad experience in design and implementation of finance organisation, processes and tools including automation to provide efficient partnering to business, improve efficiency, accuracy and compliance of the financial planning and reporting activities.

Improvement and optimisation of financial performance

Assistance in monitoring of financial performance, advising on efficiency improvements, providing financial health check and special purpose audits.

Data cleaning, report optimisation

Support in fixing controlling objects on raw data level, ensuring a smooth path for implementation of ERPs and automations tools. Re-building and optimising reports based on cleaned data according to needs

Decision support

Assistance in value added finance analyses, calculations, scenarios.

Growth governance 

We provide smoothly scaled, efficient management for changing financial operations due to company growth.

Value we deliver

Flexibility and efficiency
Our experts are available to you on-demand, without the extra cost and time for recruitment - scaled flexibly to your needs
We provide you all experience levels trained in practice, as well as contact point to all other expertise available within PwC
Risk mitigation
Based on our expertise and experience, you'll be guided around any financial roadblock proactively so that you can focus on your business.

Case studies

Part time CFO

Growth of a company can be challenging from management perspective, as growth can involve increasingly complex tasks and processes, including rising resource need.

Our client, a startup company faced the challenge of growing tasks related to finance, payroll and connected compliance requirements, as well as high reporting demands from their investors - running out of their available resources and also missing experience in managing a growing administration. They engaged us to help their acitivities with a part-time CFO, who can manage these tasks as well as support in buliding appropriate and compliant processes for the future.

Our CFO expert took over and organised the administrative tasks, focusing on compliance, and also proposed for optimised and designed finance processes to serve as strong baseline for future growth. We also handled the reporting requirements ensuring that the investors requirements were met.

ERP rollout project management

ERP rollout management require special set of skills and competences: IT, finance and business experience with process and project management knowledge and skills. How can you ensure a proper balance of these experiences to minimise risk and maximise value of an ERP rollout?

Our client faced the challenge that a group-wide ERP had to be implemented in a limited time with highly standarized processes, well different from the current operations. Their aim was to maintain business continuity in finance operations with the maximum reachable value in new, efficient processes.

Our expert team, headed by an experienced project manager, tackled the challenge by providing relevant IT, process and business knowlegde to repesent finance area's best interest in the design and implementation, also ensuring timely delivery of the project.

Financial Health Review

A new management on board needs a clear picture regarding the financial situation of the company. We can efficiently support you to gain a quick overview on the company under your control.

Our client was a newly appointed manager responsible for running a multinational company. We were engaged to scan the financial health of the company from an independent perspective, and share the finance risks as well as points for improvement opportunities in accounting and controlling.

In a very short time, our team reviewed financials according to the criteria set by the client, bringing the issues and risks in light and advising set of proposals for mitigation.

Data cleaning

Numerous IT systems with different data sources and malfunctioning interfaces, manual data processing, insufficient handovers - these factors can all cause that data is inaccurate, risking that management decisions are made based on poor quality data. Our expert team is able to fix the quality of the data and reports as well and also make recommendations for improvement.

Our client, a multinational fund, contacted us to help them assess and fix the controlling related data as some part of earlier management reports proved to be unreliable and also to advise them on improvement of their financial processes.

Our experts deep-dived and fixed the underlying data using control points to improve reliability of the data and recreated the management reports, also addressing the pain points with improvement proposals to safeguard and develop the results for the future.

Integrating new company to the group

Integrating or carving out a company in the group requires special experience. When your business is facing the challenge to sell or buy a subsidiary or business unit, along a strict timeline and committed funds, the risk of the carve out or integration process needs to be minimised.

Our client was a multinational company that purchased a company to be merged with its operations. We were engaged to support the harmonisation, migration and merger process to foster integration.

Our professionals managed the project, focusing on risk mitigation, making sure that all stakeholders' needs were met. We ensured smooth transition by bringing risks and issues in light, advising process modifications, preparing migration of financial data and contracts, as well as supporting the legal requirements of a merger.



Contact us

Lilla Rados

Lilla Rados

Director, PwC Hungary

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