PwC and OverIT

An innovative approach to Field Service Management

What is Field Service Management (FSM)?

Field Service solutions play an essential role in supporting the allocation and optimisation of assets as well as the mobilisation of technicians to remote locations or directly to customers to perform installation, repair and maintenance work on assets. The asset-driven scenario is complex, with sophisticated diagnoses and resource planning required to define the relevant work orders. Resolution 'in the field' by the technical staff or contractor requires significant time and/or support..

The appointment driven scenario presents high volumes and volatility, with numerous daily appointments for each technician. The main feature lies in the ability to promptly schedule intraday changes due to emergencies, incorrect estimates or travel-related delays.

The FSM value chain can be summarised in this framework.

The current challenges of Field Service

The  companies that cover Field Service Management processes are currently facing numerous challenges in this area, such as:

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Providing high-quality services at a lower price (due to budget cuts by their customers).

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Identifying new revenue streams, exploiting cross-selling opportunities, also by reducing average intervention times.

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Ensuring the full adoption by the workforce and customers of the new digital technologies available (Machine Learning, IoT, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Drones, and Robots).

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Complete the transformation of its business models towards an increasingly prevalent paradigm of a proactive service, i.e., capable of intercepting intervention needs in advance through the use of new technologies and ensuring 100% uptime.


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Enabling technicians in the field to connect with experienced operators remotely exchanging information useful for troubleshooting, thanks to AR augmented collaboration features.

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Know, in real-time, the location of their technicians and ensure their safety at all times while they are providing their services.

The unique value of the PwC + OverIT Field Service Management Platform

At PwC, we know that the success of a transformation initiative lies, primarily, in understanding the client's business needs and using the right digital solution to accelerate change.

We provide our expertise in business, user experience and technology (together with OverIT) to create a unique Field Service Management solution with hundreds of predefined use cases by industry, which can significantly shorten deployment times.

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A unique and Best-in-Class platform

The proposed solution presents completely disruptive characteristics, moving from a reactive Service logic (consolidated over the years and based on fault repair and cost optimisation), through the intermediate stage of active Service (characterised by the central role of technicians, in up and cross-selling activities), to arrive at the new paradigm of proactive Service, driven by data (through the most advanced technologies, such as Machine Learning. IoT, Augmented and Virtual Reality, Drones, Robots) and aimed at guaranteeing 100 percent uptime.

FSM's advanced platform utilises technologies such as wearable devices (head-mounted displays, smart watches, body-mounted sensors, etc.) and advanced functionalities such as Augmented Reality, Knowledge Management and Machine Learning.

The solution offers a collaborative environment to present the product and train staff: operators can perform routine tasks and solve problems quickly and safely, remotely and without connectivity. This approach guarantees increased productivity standards by ensuring continuous improvement in quality and skills while drastically reducing the possibility of errors. Easily integrated with third-party systems (MES, GIS, BI, IoT), data is stored on cloud platforms and on-premise systems to comply with security policies.

PwC has long launched the Intelligent People Caring programme aimed at creating effective Social Innovation by generating impact through a mix of professionals, skills and technologies with the aim of improving:

  • the operational efficiency of daily activities; 

  • the safeguarding of operators and assets in the field, with the decrease of risk factors and the prevention of accidents.

At PwC, we believe that the success of a digital transformation initiative - even in the FSM sphere - depends not only on the implementation of the correct technological solution (in a logic of pure system integration) but, above all, on the definition of the Target Operating Model (TOM), i.e. the To Be Design of:

  • Business Processes and related Policies;
  • Supporting the organisation and related Governance;
  • Customer Experience

The proposed Agile project methodology, which effectively combines Business, (User) Experience and Technology (BXT), requires rigorous and professional Programme Management, capable of successfully managing the planning and execution of successive functional sprints, the constant updating of the initiative's leadership and the full adoption of the new FSM platform.

The solution has hundreds of user cases already developed, divided by industry, with a specific focus on:

  • Energy & Utilities: An organic FSM platform can accelerate the energy transition, bringing concrete benefits such as reducing carbon emissions (by optimising routes and travel and reducing site visits), eliminating water, gas and electricity leakage, increasing paperless operations, and spreading innovation. Click for details

  • Oil & Gas: An organic FSM platform can support Oil & Gas companies in overcoming their challenges: Operations Excellence, worker safety, talent attraction, achieving 100% uptime of assets, and environmental care. Click for details

  • Industrial Manufacturing: An organic FSM platform can support technicians during the performance of all maintenance, inspection and control activities, enabling them to operate more quickly, efficiently, collaboratively and safely, monitoring the status of any shop floor at all times. Click for details

  • Transportation: An organic FSM platform, with its advanced preventive and proactive maintenance functionality, can bring concrete benefits across all the areas: networks, infrastructure, linear assets, bridges, tunnels, transport vehicles (passenger and cargo), depots, and fleets. Click for details

  • Telco: an organic FSM platform can support companies in overcoming their challenges: Higher Customer Expectations (in terms of speed, reliability, coverage and quality of service), “Always On” Connectivity, Innovation, Data Security, Tailored & Customized Experience and Revenues Generation. 
    Click for details

The concrete advantages of a robust approach to Field Service Management

Below are the benefits that can be concretely obtained by companies when they organically adopt an FSM platform:

Main benefits obtained after the adoption of Digital Field Servicing

+ 15 / 20%

Increase in revenue

- 10 / 15%

Reduction in accidents

+ 20%

Increase in technical utilisation

- 15 / 20%

Decrease in intervention time

- 5 / 10%

Decrease in maintenance costs

Source: PwC research

Contact us

Ivan Lavatelli

Partner | Head of Operations and Global DDMRP Practice Leader, PwC Italy

Luca Resmini

Director, PwC Italy

Francesco Vinelli

Director | Emerging Technologies, PwC Italy