Business contacts (existing and potential PwC clients and/or individuals associated with them)

Collection of personal data

PwC processes personal data about contacts (existing and potential PwC clients and/or individuals associated with them) using a customer relationship management system (the “PwC CRM”).

The collection of personal data about contacts and the addition of that personal data to the PwC CRM is initiated by a PwC user and will include name, employer name, contact title, phone, email and other business contact details. In addition, the PwC CRM may collect data from PwC email (sender name, recipient name, date and time) and calendar (organiser name, participant name, date and time of event) systems concerning interactions between PwC users and contacts or third parties.

Use of personal data

Personal data relating to business contacts may be used for our legitimate interests and the legitimate interests of other PwC member firms for the following purposes:

  • Administering, managing and developing our businesses and services
    We may process personal data in order to run our business, including:
    • managing our relationship with clients;
    • developing our businesses and services (such as identifying client needs and improvements in service delivery and learning more about a client, relationship opportunity we or other PwC member firms have an interest in);
    • Analysing and evaluating the strength of interactions between us and a contact. The PwC CRM uses an algorithm to help with this analysis and the ranking is primarily based on interaction frequency, duration, recency and response time;
    • performing analytics, including producing metrics for PwC leadership, such as on trends, relationship maps, sales intelligence and progress against account business goals;
    • maintaining and using IT systems;
    • hosting or facilitating the hosting of events; and
    • administering and managing our website and systems and applications.
  • Providing information about us and our range of services
    Unless we are asked not to, we use client business contact details to provide information that we think will be of interest about us and our services. For example, industry updates and insights, other services that may be relevant and invites to events.

PwC member firms do not sell or otherwise release personal data contained in the PwC CRM to third parties for the purpose of allowing them to market their products and services without consent from individuals to do so.

Data retention

Personal data will be retained on the PwC CRM for as long as we have, or need to keep a record of, a relationship with a business contact, which is for the duration of our relationship with a contact or their organisation.

Personal data may be held for longer periods where extended retention periods are required by law or regulation and in order to establish, exercise or defend our legal rights.

When and how we share personal data and locations of processing

The PwC CRM is provided by Salesforce and is hosted in Salesforce’s European data centres. The information in the PwC CRM may be accessed by PwC member firms for the purposes described above. For details of our member firm locations, please click here. Further information about processors (such as IT service providers) used by PwC and locations of processing are provided here.

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