One Firm One Day

Our offices take part in 'PwC's One Firm One Day' - our annual firm-wide fundraising and volunteering event, where staff across the UK and Channel Islands are encouraged to join together and take part in giving something back to our local communities.

We experienced the incredible unity of our Channel Island team as we dedicate a day to giving back during our annual
firm-wide fundraising and volunteering event.

Our three offices spent a Friday afternoon volunteering across the Channel Islands and simply giving back to the community; here's what we got up to:

A heartfelt appreciation goes out to the exceptional organisations we proudly supported:

  • Beach Clean: We joined forces to keep the Channel Islands' beaches beautiful.
  • Jersey Hospice Care: Volunteers became gardeners for the day and assisted in the hospice shop.
  • Macmillan: We helped plant seeds and plants in their new allotment.
  • Headway: Together, we sold raffle tickets to support Brain Injury Awareness Week.
  • Stroke Jersey & Mind Jersey: Our team raised money by packing bags and supporting local shops.
  • Acorn Enterprises: We worked in the shop, sorted donations, cleared general waste, and engaged in various activities.
  • National Trust for Jersey: We helped clear the hedgerows.
  • KS3 Digital Skills Awards Mentors: Volunteers supported students with their Digital Skills Awards.
  • Hive Hackers Invasive Species Session: We participated in sessions to manage invasive species.
  • TGI Future Workforce Event: We assisted the recruitment team and provided potential recruits with insights into life at PwC.
  • Invasive Species Work Party: We helped remove the invasive sour fig at Rocquaine.
  • Le Rondin School: Volunteers painted and spruced up planters and fences.
  • Alderney Age Concern: We organised the store, sorted through donated items, and cleared the store.
  • Alderney Animal Welfare Society: We cleaned and reorganised the cattery and kennels.

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One Firm One Day 2024


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Contact us

Amy Pickering

Amy Pickering

Assurance Director, Sustainability, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7781 125874

Abigail McDermott

Abigail McDermott

Marketing and Communications Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838353

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