Preparing for the future

We have deep and constantly expanding expertise gained through working with clients and seconding our people to other firms in the PwC Network and into industry.

Islands governments working successfully to adapt to the new world of international finance

Many of the strengths that previously attracted GPs to the islands remain relevant, and the islands’ governments are successfully working to adapt to the new world of international finance.

Both Guernsey and Jersey have been among the most proactive specialist financial centres in preparing for AIFMD. They’ve been in active dialogue with European policymakers and regulators, in order to put the regulatory frameworks in place that will give GPs based on the islands the flexibility of a dual approach.

From a tax perspective, the islands retain the tax neutrality of a fiscally transparent LP structure, but have a significant and growing number of TIEAs in place with other governments. With respect to FATCA, they’re also looking into following the intergovernmental approach pioneered by the UK and other European countries, which will simplify compliance. The OECD made both islands early members of its ‘white list’ in 2009, which included very few offshore IFCs at that time. Membership rewarded their meeting the OECD’s internationally agreed tax standard.

When it comes to the increasingly important topic of corporate governance, both islands have communities of well-qualified directors. In both cases, the principles of good corporate governance are enshrined in law.

Contact us

John Luff

Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7781 117374

David Waldron

Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7781 138617

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