PwC Channel Islands shortlisted in national consulting awards

28 June, 2024

PwC Channel Islands has been shortlisted for its work with Jersey charities in prestigious management consultancy awards in the UK.

PwC’s Jersey-based Sustainability and Economics team are finalists in the Management Consultancies Association Awards (MCA) described as ‘the benchmark of quality for the consulting industry.’ The awards showcase the positive impact that the industry can bring to the business community, the public sector and wider society.

PwC Channel Islands has been nominated in the category of ‘Best Use of Thought Leadership’ for the work it has undertaken with three charities who participated in a PwC Channel Islands Impact Accelerator Programme:

  • Jersey Employment Trust
  • Jersey Community Foundation
  • National Trust for Jersey

PwC found a significant gap in local knowledge on how to assess impacts and value using robust metrics in the third sector. With government and philanthropic funders increasingly making decisions based on quantified performance, the absence of a common language can create obstacles to raising funds, prioritising resources, influencing policy and, fundamentally, demonstrating that charities are effective at doing what they exist to do.

The thought leadership initiative was therefore designed to help charitable organisations define their purpose, monitor and report on their impact and sustain the effectiveness of their activity, leading to improved outcomes.

The team worked hand in hand with each of the charities over a six-month period to tailor an approach based four-phase programme, free of fees. As a result, the participating organisations are now able to quantify their social, economic and environmental value, source the relevant data and benchmark the results against comparable organisations.

Each organisation has already used this analysis to strengthen their strategy, secure funding and communicate the benefits of their work more effectively. The work is also scaling beyond the three initial participants, changing the conversation more broadly about the key role and value that the third sector contributes to island life, and how the sector can best collaborate even more effectively.

Neil Howlett, PwC Channel Islands Advisory Partner commented:

“Congratulations to everyone involved at the firm for making the shortlist in these top awards. The multi-disciplinary skills we have here in PwC on the island have established a new and distinctive approach to assessing impacts and empowering the third sector. By bringing together strategy, monitoring, evaluation and impact through this programme, these organisations can more easily demonstrate their social, economic and environmental benefits in monetary terms that speak effectively to a wide range of funders, donors and other stakeholders.”

“I’m delighted that this good work within the community is being recognised. It could profoundly change how the sector further strengthens its impact, supports disadvantaged islanders and nurtures our precious environment, and demonstrates value for the Island as a whole, as well as helping to amplify Jersey’s reputation for social value and innovation that is scalable overseas.”

Contact us

Alison Cambray

Alison Cambray

Advisory Director, Sustainability, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838337

Neil Howlett

Neil Howlett

Advisory Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838349

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