Cyber Security Training

Addressing your cybersecurity related training and awareness needs

Who we are

PwC Channel Islands offers a comprehensive learning and education service, delivering engaging training and awareness interventions rooted in the best practices of PwC's global network of firms. Our approach integrates real-life business experiences into the classroom, utilising subject-matter experts to enhance the effectiveness and practicality of learning.

How we can help

Our goal is to help improve the knowledge, skills, competence and expertise of professionals in the areas of information/cyber security, privacy, IT standards and information/cyber security governance, risk and compliance. This will in turn help organisations meet the challenges arising in the rapidly evolving cybersecurity space as well as help build relevant capabilities and functions.

Our training programs offers the following:

Where have we done this previously

A private equity business

Delivered 6 phishing awareness sessions for all employees

We delivered a series of 6 tailored cyber security awareness sessions focusing on phishing and business email compromise.

The sessions helped employees, including executives, to understand the risk of phishing attacks and the methods and techniques that attackers use. Our Threat Intelligence team talked participants through the current threat picture affecting the client and the types of common attack vectors.

During the sessions our experts explained top tips on identifying phishing emails and personal security tips. We also ran an interactive session for participants that brought to life the criminal mindset and the type of reconnaissance that criminals undertake on social media to build their phishing lures and target the different employees.

Our work highlighted to employees how phishing can impact them and their business, and the sessions were successful at increasing awareness of the threat and how to report it through the correct channels.

A global financial services organisation

Delivered an awareness workshop and VR exercise for global executives

Our client wanted to undertake a cyber awareness workshop for their executives. We designed and delivered an awareness session tailored to their needs, drawing on our latest threat intelligence and insight from recent ransomware incidents that we have supported clients with. The session was delivered by our FS sector lead and our cyber security culture experts who bought the session to life through their real life examples and case studies.

The client also wanted to begin to introduce to their executives what it might be like to lead the response to serious cyber incidents or crises and start to explore some of the critical decisions. Our team ran the Crisis VR experience for the group as part of the workshop, and facilitated a interactive Q&A session where the group discussed key topics including brand exposure and ransom payments.

Our work highlighted a number of important topics that the executives had not considered in detail before and allowed them to address these during the workshop.

Contact us

Christopher Eaton

Christopher Eaton

Advisory Director, Head of Risk Assurance, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7797 900015

Sarah Hollingsworth

Sarah Hollingsworth

Workforce Lead, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7911 720707

Kevin Thompson

Kevin Thompson

Senior Manager, Advisory, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7797 915430

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