Regulatory consulting

Helping you to implement regulatory change in an informed, efficient and effective way

Jersey and Guernsey are rightly respected as leading international financial centres. The Channel Islands’ banks, insurers, asset managers and administrators are central to our local economies, while the nature of the services they provide put them under increasing global scrutiny. While challenges lie ahead, our financial services industry is well-positioned to respond, building on its long-established foundations, deep pools of expertise and robust regulatory environment.

As regulatory demands evolve, continued success calls for a focused, systematic approach and appreciation of what the changes mean for your business. With an experienced local team and access to regulatory expertise from all over the world via the PwC network, we’re well placed to help you tackle the challenges ahead, whatever that may be and whenever they arise.

As a leading global professional services firm, we’re here to promote a strong and independent legislative and regulatory framework that meets the needs of the Channel Islands’ economies. We support policymakers in their deliberations on how to keep framework relevant and up to date through debate, challenge and industry feedback.

We scan the risk and regulatory horizon and actively engage in dialogue with businesses, regulators and industry bodies to bring you insights about the changing landscape and its impact on your organisation. This groundwork enables us to support effective implementation and change within your organisation, and instil confidence among your key stakeholders.

Our services

Regulatory services

New laws, regulations and shifting public expectations have pushed governance and compliance up the boardroom agenda. As requirements evolve, your business may need to implement new reporting or governance arrangements.

Effective compliance mechanisms are critical. Getting this right is not only important for you personally and as a business, but also for the reputation of the Channel Islands.

We can help you to tackle a broad range of regulatory challenges, including pre- and post- regulatory inspection reviews, regulatory health checks, and structuring reviews. We also carry out regulatory due diligence or vendor assistance, in which our specialists work alongside clients and their lead advisers throughout the transaction process to help ensure that all issues are understood and appropriately addressed.

Governance and compliance services

Traditionally, governance and compliance may have been seen as a bureaucratic framework or a series of controls. We take a different approach, seeing governance and compliance as the conduit for an organisation’s strategic development, leadership and culture.

Sound governance underpins the effective decision-making that is the lifeblood of a modern, agile organisation. We can help you to establish and maintain effective governance, compliance and controls, be this through Board appointed reviews or ongoing assistance with internal audit, project assurance or compliance testing.

Financial crime

Preventing and detecting financial crime is now one of the biggest challenges facing financial institutions, whatever their size or focus. The impact of financial crime extends well beyond monetary losses to reputation and brand, employee morale, business relations and the potential for regulatory censure.

Your ability to guard against money laundering and related offences depends on effective systems and controls that are aligned to your operating model and risk appetite. Our local and global experts provide innovative and advanced solutions for optimising monitoring, responding to financial crime incidents and tackling deficiencies.

Financial services and technology

The lines between financial services and technology organisations are blurring, with FinTech at the heart of this transformation. Both industries are using FinTech to sharpen operational efficiency and improve customer experience, while seizing the opportunity to carve out new commercial possibilities.

The management of risk and compliance is no exception. With the right technology and knowledge, FinTech can improve the efficiency and help manage the risk in your business. Our global network of financial services and technology experts are at the forefront of development, and regularly bring these insights to our clients.

Contact us

Mark Hunter

Mark Hunter

Advisory Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838373

Alex Whitby

Alex Whitby

Advisory Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838290

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