Strategy and Transformation

Helping you to deliver successful transformation

Change is coming at us faster and faster. Keeping pace requires significant investment in quality, innovation and cost control.

From digitisation to organisational restructuring, the scale and complexity of today’s transformation programmes demand high performing project-based cultures, leaders and management systems. They also require specialist knowledge and skills, and the right processes, techniques and tools.

This is what we offer. Our team provides you with confidence that your transformation programmes are designed well and performing as expected, from strategy through to execution. We help you to deliver the changes you expect, while keeping your organisation healthy and safe.

A strategy for fast-track, profitable growth

We’re in the business of transformation, known for our focus on achieving results. We combine strategy, technology and management consulting expertise to help you succeed. We know how business works and how the right technology in the right hands can create competitive advantage.

By working with us, you’ll benefit from:

  • A team that will take the time to get to know your business inside out and understand the challenges you face – we want to be your trusted advisor.
  • Local as well as global insights, combined with industry relationships to provide access to the information that matters most.
  • Open and transparent collaboration to deliver results at pace, in a controlled and effective way, as we support you in transforming your business and driving sustainable growth.
  • A proven, agile approach and broad set of capabilities to tackle anything that arises.
  • An extensive global network and resources to provide unrivalled depth and breadth of experience.

Our services

Experience shows that it isn’t necessarily what organisations do but how they do it that makes them successful and establishes their competitive advantage.

Why does one organisation survive and the other slide into irrelevance? Why does another organisation not only survive but thrive? The answer almost invariably lies in from how they design and manage their projects. In turn, understanding how to best implement change and bring an organisation and its people along together is key to a project’s success.

Having the right project and programme management in place to understand your business, as well as the local and global market environment, is essential. This, coupled with securing the relevant skills and experience, is fundamental to ensuring success.

We can help you to deliver from the outset and avoid the painful repercussions of failure. We have expert resources who will work with you in an agile, collaborative way and be the valued and trusted advisors you require.

Our support includes helping you to develop and implement appropriate project plans, with the structure and governance to ensure successful execution and delivery. We can also help you to turn around failing projects.

Given the multiple parties involved in driving change and the interdependencies between them, a key part of our support is defining business requirements and working as the intermediary between IT and the business to ensure objectives are met. As trusted advisors, we also act as a sounding board, drawing on our experience to provide an honest view of what is realistic and what is not.

As digital innovation continues to transform businesses and economies, we can help you develop strategies for the future, while forging distinct capabilities and building in execution at every step.

In today’s complex fast-changing environment, we can help you to comply with tougher regulation, build stakeholder confidence, and deal with low-margins and increasing commoditisation.

At the same time, rapid innovation and disruptive technologies are demanding decisive strategic choices. To capitalise on new market opportunities and gain a competitive edge, it’s vital to strike the right balance between compliance and competitiveness, and innovation and changing consumer preferences.

The need to respond to the new conditions highlights the importance of developing coherent capabilities that are aligned to your business model and associated products and services. In this way, you can sharpen your focus on markets where you can compete and differentiate yourself effectively. We can support you to:

  • Lead transformational change
  • Create new organisational models
  • Capture value from your customer and channel strategies
  • Increase the effectiveness of your supply chains and assets
  • Integrate security into your strategy to ensure the resilience of your business

Your workforce needs to keep pace with the disruption and change facing your business. Delivering demands the people-focused knowledge, skills, tools and techniques of experienced change management professionals.

While the people dimension of transformation is often described as the ‘soft’ side of change, it tends to be the most critical and challenging. Great leaders will tell you that change only sticks when the people it affects are involved in bringing it about. Why? However effective, strategies, processes and technology alone don’t deliver results. It’s the people who must buy into, drive and sustain change to deliver lasting benefits to your organisation.

Here in the Channel Islands, merger, acquisition and restructuring are gathering pace. Regulatory requirements are mounting and putting pressure on your business to work and think in different ways. Processes and systems are being upgraded to improve operational effectiveness and support change initiatives. Our team of people and cultural change experts can support you to:

  • Gauge the readiness of your organisation for change and establish the baseline for progress
  • Work closely with you to develop or review your overall change management strategy
  • Develop and implement a target operating model that meets your future growth and demand for change
  • Align your change programme and performance metrics to ensure people are being rewarded for working in new ways and change is embedded in the organisation

Operational demands are being transformed by a combination of digitisation, regulation and shifting industry ecosystems.

Operations teams are under pressure to deliver more for less, sharpening quality, productivity and customer experience, while driving down costs. Incremental change is no longer enough. And they must make those changes faster, safer, and in a more automated fashion to keep pace with competitors.

The outcomes are critical. Our Global Operations Survey reveals that more than 60% of operations leaders believe cross-functional collaboration has the greatest potential for helping the company reach its strategic goals.

By combining cross-functional operations knowledge with leading technologies, analytics and alliances, we can help you achieve your goals and make transformative change a reality. Our support includes:

  • Customer operations – integrating customer engagement, service, and operations to create a distinctive customer experience that supports your revenue and profitability goals.
  • Enterprise Performance Management – build capabilities needed to achieve operational excellence across your entire value chain, designing and executing broad-based programmes that drive sustainable improvements.
  • Digital operations – connect your products, assets, people and processes in order to achieve breakthrough efficiency, flexibility and growth.

The pressure to move faster on digitisation and realise the potential is unrelenting. But achieving digital transformation at speed requires more than technology. Two other factors are just as critical. First, agility – delivering change through quick steps, learning as you go. Second, taking your people with you – you can’t create a digitally-enabled organisation if your employees are still stuck in analogue.

It’s this recognition of the critical importance of these two levers that makes our approach unique, ensuring you accelerate your business as well as your transformation.

We can help you in driving value from technology. You can rely on our expertise to help you position, change, manage and source your technology services. Our experts have capabilities that include project, financial and IT management, risk management, systems controls, data management, outsourcing, regulatory requirements and cyber security, supporting you to:

  • Identify what you want from transformation, then plan and navigate the journey together.
  • Challenge current ways of working, offering objective technology advice that supports business-wide transformation, not just a single function.
  • Embed a culture of adoption and buy-in for digital transformation – if your people do not use the technology, what’s it there for?
  • Upskill your people, so they can make the most of the new technology, driving the greatest benefit to your organisation.


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Contact us

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

Advisory Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838228

Nick Vermeulen

Nick Vermeulen

Territory Senior Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7781 111526

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