
Creating a future-ready workforce

The pressure to optimise costs and maximise productivity is always there. Today, it’s made more complicated by disruptive technology, the increasing complexity of geopolitics, the constant tests of risk and regulation, and the ongoing race to find and keep the right talent with the right skills. These forces are reshaping the workplace and introducing new challenges that impact your whole organisation.

Creating a future-ready workforce

Moving the dial to meet the needs of all businesses and their stakeholders

  • Articulating the business case for inclusion and diversity
  • Undertaking culture reviews and reporting on gender and ethnicity pay reporting
  • Assessing the best route for your inclusion journey

What PwC can do

  • Determine where you are now, where you want to get to and why
  • Collaborate with you to set inclusion and diversity goals which are practical and achievable
  • Analyse not just your organisation, but also its suppliers, to ensure values are shared
  • Engage with your board members and leadership team, or those with the platform to communicate the imperative of inclusion
  • Connect you with industry specific I&D platforms and encourage you to lobby for industry-wide change

What is the product or service?

  • Culture survey, focus groups etc to determine current state
  • Detailed reports and analysis
  • Upskilling i.e. culture awareness, unconscious bias training
  • List of suggested activities and support in implementing

Attracting, retaining and developing a productive workforce

  • Design the strategic workforce planning approach
  • Create an agile organisation 
  • Enabling a digital workforce 

What PwC can do 

  • Collaborate with you to define an approach of analysing current workforce supply and future demand to build required capabilities and capacity to achieve business objectives
  • Forward plan to pre-empt change and create new opportunity through your people
  • Identify the current technologies, services and ways of working that are or will be impacting your organisation over the next 18 months
  • Develop personas that represent differing groups of employees within your organisation; identifying behaviours, pain points and attitudes to change
  • Analyse your organisation to determine what the right size and shape of the organization will need to be based on the likely impact of incoming disruptions

What is the product or service? 

  • Analysis and reports of current workforce supply and future demand 
  • Digital upskilling implementation
  • Future skills forecast and identification of pain points/weak spots in the organisation

Getting leadership teams ready to embrace change and inspire progress

  • Assess top team effectiveness
  • Design and implement leadership development programmes

What PwC can do

  • Support your leaders in the "new normal” and shape their legacy for future generations
  • Leverage the power of your diverse teams and inclusive leadership to drive greater business success and innovation
  • Increase your leaders’ ability to be reflective and intentional about inviting multiple and diverse perspectives into strategic decision making and execution
  • Design effective and sustainable leadership development strategies that make an impactful difference
  • Support a newly assembled leadership team
  • Improve employee engagement through human-centric and future-directed leadership

What is the product or service?

  • Performance and leadership skills assessments, reports and analysis
  • Leadership development programme implementation, or one to one coaching
  • Restructuring plans for leadership team and ongoing support for change
  • Learning & development consulting

Tackling the intense challenges that businesses face in an ever changing world

  • Deliver a strategic approach to change
  • Implement change readiness assessments and build internal change capabilities
  • Partner to create the right people communications

What PwC can do

  • Collaborate with you to create a plan that enables your people to execute and embrace lasting transformation by empowering them to change their behaviour
  • Evaluate the level of risk and readiness of your organisation through our assessments
  • Help you build in-house change management teams and capability over time
  • Translate complex, critical information into simple, user-friendly and thought-provoking imagery

What is the product or service?

  • Analysis and reports of current state and the appetite for change
  • Change management plans
  • Upskilling of internal change management teams
  • Timely and on brand communication strategies to underpin change

Contact us

David O'Brien

David O'Brien

Advisory Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838228

Sarah Hollingsworth

Sarah Hollingsworth

Workforce Lead, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7911 720707

Neil Howlett

Neil Howlett

Advisory Partner, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838349

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