Define your strategy

Developing and integrating an authentic sustainability vision into long-term strategy, in a way that creates lasting value whilst also building trust, is a common challenge for all types of organisations. Today, businesses need to be invested in ways that not only generate returns here and now, but also create sustainable value for the future.

Sustainability offers the opportunity of a generation to invest in the future by looking differently at the market, your business strategy, your investments and your assets. To succeed, you need to put sustainability front of mind so you’re in the best position to identify and maximise new investment opportunities; access capital; restructure or divest the old; and effectively manage investment risks.

We combine our locally-led, deep sustainability and industry expertise with the power of our global network.

We can help you:

  • Build your executive team’s knowledge and consensus around your sustainability ambition.
  • Understand, contextualise and manage your material sustainability factors from both organisational and societal perspectives.
  • Identify issues and goals to determine where the pressures are likely to be, and raise awareness of what needs to happen to make your business more sustainable.
  • Prioritise these issues from both a sustainability and commercial point of view, enabling you to recognise and better manage risk, improve efficiency, revenue potential, growth and other opportunities.
  • Map the short and long-term ambitions for your sustainability vision, assess the risks, and address any gaps in delivery.
  • Draw on deep functional and industry expertise to support lenders, creditors, companies and individuals to deliver sustainable outcomes.
  • Support the alignment and integration of your sustainability vision into your overall corporate or investment strategy.
  • Develop and deliver a robust sustainability programme that includes prioritised initiatives, enablers, milestones, key performance indicators and measurable targets.
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Contact us

Alison Cambray

Alison Cambray

Advisory Director, Sustainability, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838337