Non-Executive Directors

With the role of a Non-Executive Director (NED) becoming increasingly challenging, the PwC NED programme provides support to NEDs in their expanding role.

The role of a NED is increasingly challenging – with shareholder activism, executive pay, loss of trust, rapid technological advances and growing regulatory requirements all adding to the NED burden. Board roles are being played out in an enhanced media spotlight adding to both the pressures of the role and the reputational risk. At the same time, companies are having to look beyond traditional markets for growth which means that strategy is being set, and decisions being taken by the Board, in areas with which they may be less familiar.

Our NED programme aims to support NEDs via a series of briefings, workshops and other one-off events to help address the need to keep up to date with Board issues and to assist directors to respond to the challenges they face. It combines the provision of expert knowledge with the invaluable sharing of experiences and ideas with peers.

As a tool for aspiring NEDs, we have developed 'The Test', a due diligence process to assist prospective NEDs in deciding whether to accept a new NED position. To obtain a copy of this tool, please contact Liz Smith.

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For female aspiring NEDs, we are sponsors of the Professional Boards Forum and Women on Boards and would be happy to provide information on their activities - contact Liz Smith.

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The PwC Audit Committee Network supports audit committee chairs and members in an ever changing market landscape.

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Twice a year we run an aspiring NED master class in conjunction with Cass Business School and other third parties, including experienced NEDs and a headhunter. The morning explores all aspects of the NED role including legal responsibilities, the Board hierarchy, how NEDs input to strategy and their role in relation to governance and risk. The afternoon focuses on how to get a first NED appointment including what Boards and headhunters are looking for, the NED CV and the due diligence that should be undertaken before joining a Board. Linking the two is an experienced NED guest speaker over lunch to "tell it as it is in practice".

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Contact us

Paul Silcock

Paul Silcock

Assurance Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7700 838286

Jonathan Mauger

Jonathan Mauger

Director, PwC Channel Islands

Tel: +44 7781 139410

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