Local Business M&A Center

Small and medium-sized enterprises(SMEs) located in rural areas have played a crucial role in rural development for a long time. However, with recent trends such as financial and industrial concentration in Seoul/metropolitan area and local accounting firms' lack of experience in M&A services have likely resulted in rural SMEs receiving somewhat unsatisfying services in the field of M&A.

Samil PwC, the only major accounting firm with a Sejong branch that is dedicated to developing a network in rural areas, has established a Rural M&A Center to provide rural SMEs with optimal services similar to those available in Seoul and the metropolitan area. In particular, Samil PwC has established various networks and business relationships with organizations such as rural chambers of commerce, rural banks, rural courts, and major local media companies, aiming to offer solutions optimized for rural SMEs not only in M&A but also in various financial advisory services.

Sell-side advisory

provide sell-side advisory services and support exit strategies for companies facing industry change, owner's health issues, and other reasons.

Finance Raising

provide advisory services for finance raising to achieve technology development, market expansion, and IPOs.

Buy-side advisory

provide buy-side advisory services to help secure new sources of future growth and create synergy.


accounting advisory service for local listed companies(with Assurance LoS), tax advisory service for business succession(with Tax LoS), various deal advisory services

Contact us

Doshin Lee

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 2 709 3321

Jong-Seok Lee

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 2 3781 9148

Yang-Kyu Shim

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 2 709 0540

In-Chan Hwang

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 2 3781 3226

Junsic Lee

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 2 709 8037

Sang-Tae Park

Partner, South Korea

Tel: +82 44 715 7534

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