Actuarial services

Our team of accredited actuaries provides insights and solutions for (re)insurers and businesses that face significant and complex risks.

Our risk and analytical skills along with our predictive insights help our clients to act decisively on the issues that really matter.

We have extensive experience serving the domestic and international (re)insurance industry, and assist insurers and reinsurers with actuarial modernization, process improvement, risk and capital management, value analyses, deals, and financial reporting.

Our Actuarial Services include:

  •  (Re)insurance reserving & reporting - assessing the appropriate level of reserves and/ or completing the reporting for financial statement purposes, including on a fair value basis for ILS. 
  • Independent actuarial reserve review - a secondary “pair of eyes”, or provision of an Actuarial Opinion. 
  • Reinsurance strategy review - review of current reinsurance purchasing and analysis to estimate the most appropriate reinsurance strategy. 
  • Capital model development & validation - assistance with creation of a capital model or validation of a current capital model for internal or regulatory reporting purposes. 
  • Pricing & underwriting - pricing for individual contracts and/or books of business. Assisting underwriters with risk selections. 
  • Insurance feasibility / profitability studies - analysis of potential insurance structures for new companies and review of insurance structures and profitability for existing companies. 
  • Risk and capital management - development and review of risk management strategy and/or framework. 
  • Actuarial function process improvement - includes review of the current actuarial controls and processes as well as training of insurance and actuarial staff . 
  • Financial modelling - review and/or update of the current process for creating required financial statement disclosures, including for the requirements of IFRS 17. 
  • Core Income Generating Activities - Performance within the relevant territory.  
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