M&A in transport & logistics fall to ten-year low

M&A deals, joint ventures and strategic alliances in the transport and logistics industry

PwC Eurasia Experts

Bakhtiyar Bektursunov

Partner, Strategy&, PwC Kazakhstan

+7 727 330 3200


Our International Expert

Ingo Bauer

Head of Transport, Logistics and Tourism, PwC Germany

Keeping you up to date with the latest industry developments

On this site you will find the semi-annual analyses from PwC and Strategy&, PwC's global strategy consulting business, on mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures and strategic alliances in the transport and logistics industry. 

Digital transformation, new players, changing business models: transport and logistics are in a state of flux. What impact do deals have on the industry? How is digitalisation changing the face of an entire industry? With our Transport & Logistics Barometer, we provide answers – and not just to these questions. The Barometer provides a 360-degree view of the entire industry and analyzes what impact social change and global megatrends are having on the industry.

“High-level interest rates last year made it difficult to realise larger takeovers. However, the bottom of this trough should have been reached, meaning that we expect slight growth in mergers & acquisitions in 2024. Maritime infrastructure represents a particular focus area here.”

Ingo Bauer,Head of Transport, Logistics and Tourism at PwC Germany


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