Data Analytics

The right decisions based on data you can trust

Data - your new opportunities

Imagine being able to perform an instant and detailed analysis of any process. An analysis that will be able to identify bottlenecks or causes of deviations, detect signs of dishonesty or circumvent control procedures. Analysis, the results of which will allow to find the best way to optimize the process.

Imagine that you no longer need to take risks of making decisions based on information that you doubt. Or postpone business to independently process and re-verify the information.

Imagine that the analytics will be able to open before you a completely new way of working with your data, creating unique opportunities and advantages on the market. Analysis and systematization of information will expand the basis for decision-making. Application of data visualization will instantly provide answers even to the most difficult questions.

Now, imagine that modern technology will help you look into the future, giving you the opportunity to respond to events before they happen. Identify problem areas, which were leading to distortion of data in reports. Prevent erroneous decisions based on controversial information from different sources.

It seems like the possibilities of the future.

The good news is that today these opportunities are available to everyone. Your company's data is an asset that you already own.

We will make this asset work. Our services will help to increase confidence in your data and will help to bring your business to a new level.

We offer our clients the following flexible solutions that will help to uncover the accumulated potential of the available data:

Analysis of processes based on Process Mining

Currently, companies spend a considerable amount of money on building business processes and introducing new technologies and information systems, but they do not always get the expected result.

Modern process analysis technology is an excellent way to shed light on the causes of what is happening, get a complete and objective picture that reflects the real operation of business processes, spot the root causes of failures, identify opportunities for development and improvement of productivity, reduce costs and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

Application of process analysis technology will help your company to solve the following tasks:

  • Process optimization or reengineering
  • Building a process map for implementing a new system or updating an existing one, comparing processes prior to implementation and after
  • Control and monitoring of process execution
  • Check for compliance with regulatory requirements and internal policies
  • Detection of unfair actions, increase of transparency of the process
  • Risk assessment, audit of internal controls system and segregation of duties

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Data visualization and analysis

Visual perception plays an important role in everyday life, helping in business communications. Presenting complex information in a graphic form, we greatly simplify its perception and improve understanding.

Many managers are familiar with the situation when data in operational reports are provided either in the form of overloaded tables or in the form of separate summary values for which quickly obtaining the required level of detailing is almost impossible.

Modern methods of data visualization will help to solve such problems.

The creation of information dashboards for companies, tailored to their specific needs and requirements, will simplify the procedure for visualizing key performance indicators and the process of continuous monitoring and control.

The use of this approach will give the user an opportunity to interactively analyze the necessary information, quickly plunging to the required level of detailing.

We will help our clients to solve the following tasks:

  • Search, retrieve and present information from the client systems necessary to solve a given business task or project;
  • Visualization of key performance indicators for company management in an interactive format;
  • Building information dashboards aimed at monitoring problematic areas of the company;
  • Reducing costs of reporting.

High Precision Benchmark

Comparative analysis (benchmarking) is one of the most common approaches of identifying areas of business that require changes or optimization.

When using traditional methods of comparative analysis, performance indicators are usually collected manually and do not contain sufficient level of detailing, which allows companies to obtain only high-level and average results.

Increasing the level of automation of business processes and their enrichment with auxiliary data made it possible to collect data of any detailing directly from the source systems themselves.

High Precision Benchmark - the newest analytical technology, which is based on the analysis of process data, extracted directly from the systems.

The main difference of this approach is the ability to compare indicators based on real process data, which allows obtaining the most accurate and reliable result at the level of individual steps of business processes.

The use of this technology will allow to enrich and detail data multiple times for comparative analysis, transforming dry facts and figures into valuable information for making important strategic decisions.

High Precision Benchmark technology will give you the opportunity to use the current process indicators to perform:

  • A comparative analysis of effectiveness between different time periods (for example, before and after organizational changes);
  • A comparison of performance indicators between different structural divisions or product lines;


Enterprise data management

Data is the heart of the business. Correct organization of working with data greatly simplifies the decision-making process, improves relations with customers and suppliers, and also strengthens the reputation of the company.

Currently, the number of relationships between business processes is increasing. In case of the absence of a single information system for all processes, information is gathered in different systems and in different forms. The access process to information becomes more complicated by the growing number of links.

The information environment becomes less transparent and controlled. The problem of accessibility and data management becomes more obvious.

The need to bring data to a form that meets the requirements of regulators, is another headache, especially for companies in the banking or pharmaceutical industry.

To solve such problems, it is necessary to use a unified approach to the collection, processing and storage of data within the company.

We will help you with the implementation of enterprise data management methods to increase the accessibility,reliability and quality of data.

We will help our clients with the following tasks:

  • Develop a long-term strategy for data management and a plan for its implementation;
  • Implement the role of the Data Director;
  • Develop an approach of data usage for business development;
  • Adapt changes in the company that affect existing data or the appearance of new data;
  • Prevent the occurrence of the most common problems when working with data and bring the data to a form that meets the requirements of the regulator and internal policies and standards;
  • Evaluate the quality of the data and determine the reasons for the appearance of data of poor quality.

Audit and improvement of data quality

Often, in modern companies, data passes through systems, interfaces and batch processes, undergoing many transformations before they get into financial statements or reports for management.

Migrating data or updating the system, moving to a new chart of accounts or an accounting standard – all of these, taking into account manual changes, can disrupt the integrity and accuracy of the data and lead to significant distortions or making a wrong decision.

The use of accurate and complete information is essential for decision-making and reporting. Nevertheless, the constant reconciliation of data requires considerable time and labor costs.

Our expertise and the methods of data processing and analysis allow us to develop an individual approach to each company to identify problem areas that lead to data distortion and to provide recommendations for their elimination.

Together with PwC, you will increase the credibility of your data by:

  • Checking the correctness of data transfer between systems;
  • Detecting distortions in complex automatic calculations;
  • Confirming correctness of data transformation between accounting systems;
  • Identifying the causes of discrepancies in the conduct of parallel accounting;
  • Identifying revenue leakage and designing solutions to prevent it

Сбор, обработка и систематизация данных

Сбор и систематизация данных в масштабах большой компании с множествами филиалов и/или дочерних обществ зачастую является непростой задачей, в особенности, если процесс не автоматизирован. Количество вопросов, которые необходимо решать одновременно, растет с каждым днем:

  • Как разработать шаблоны для сбора данных с учетом всех возможных особенностей проекта;
  • Как контролировать сроки предоставления информации;
  • Как организовать выверку предоставляемой информации и проверку объема передаваемых данных на полноту и непротиворечивость;
  • Как правильно выстроить каналы сбора данных;
  • Как удостовериться в корректности данных, полученных в результате обработки и т.д.

В таких условиях компании вынуждены создавать проектные команды из большого количества внутренних специалистов. Но даже для проектной команды подобные задачи являются очень трудозатратными и требуют широких технических навыков. Уже на первоначальных этапах многие начинают сомневаться в успешном завершении проекта.

Совместно с опытными специалистами PwC ваша компания сможет справиться с любой задачей в области сбора, систематизации и анализа данных.

Для успешного достижения поставленной цели мы предлагаем вам следующие услуги:

  • Планирование мероприятий по сбору данных;
  • Разработка форм на базе выбранных инструментов с применением средств первичной проверки вводимых данных;
  • Управление процессом сбора информации;
  • Проверка полноты и корректности собранных данных;
  • Агрегация данных и подготовка отчетов.

Daniyar Kassenov

Senior Manager, Data mining and Data analytics, Third party assurance, Almaty, PwC Kazakhstan

+7 727 330 3200 (ext. 3865)


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