IT Effectiveness

Automation of operational processes, systems of business management and business intelligence pay the key role in improving performance efficiency, in particular when the business model of the organisation is directly linked with the use of advanced information technologies.
Do organisations always come to proper IT solutions clearly understanding objectives to be achieved and results to be reached? Do organisations set clear requirements for the implementor and effectively manage the implementation process?Are you familiar with the situation when the organisation is implementing an expensive IT solution, which should help create a competitive advantage, however, half-way through the project’s timeframe, it turns out that a different direction should have been taken?

It is often the case that the IT function of organisations and its contribution towards results of operations are not fully understood and appreciated.
It is often disguised within technological terminology and excessive complexity. We assist our clients in finding the most efficient relationship between IT function and business needs and applying modern technologies to achieve business objectives.

Challenges faced by organisations

  • You plan to automate a certain process or a field of activity, however, you are not certain what kind of solution will fit you best and what kind of effect can be achieved (whether the benefit would correspond to the costs incurred).
  • You choose from several seemingly equivalent IT solutions and you need a professional and impartial consultation regarding the optimal solution to suit your business needs and the budget.
  • You aim for a smooth and consistent organisation and implementation of the IT introduction or renewal project ensuring that the project’s objectives are fulfilled.
  • You face questions during the implementation process of the IT solution, which should be answered impartially and objectively in view of specific features and needs of your business.
  • You need an objective and professional assessment following the implementation of the IT solution as to objectives achieved and the system's compliance with the requirements indicated in the specification.
  • IT function and solutions lack orientation towards activities of the organisation and fail to ensure competitive advantages.
  • No criteria are available for the assessment of value created by the IT function.
  • You aim to optimise IT-related expenses without compromising the ability of the IT function to provide information essential for the implementation of the strategy, sustain operational processes and ensure compliance with requirements.

Solutions offered by PwC

  • Selection of an optimal IT solution in view of the organisation’s strategic objectives, desired benefits of implementation of the IT solution and the project’s budget.
  • Assistance in assessing the need for and priorities of automation of operational processes and preparing the specification of the IT solution.
  • Assistance in organising and implementing the IT solution in cooperation with the implementor of the system and ensuring fulfilment of the project’s objective.
  • Assessment of the IT solution following its implementation—whether the solution complies with the specification and underlying objectives related to the system's implementation have been achieved.
  • Management of changes following the implementation of the system to ensure a smooth transition to a new system and achievement of long-term results.
  • Assessment of IT compatibility with the operational strategy of the organisation and possible solutions for optimisation of the IT function.

Contact us

Birutė Purvaneckaitė

Birutė Purvaneckaitė

Director, Advisory services, PwC Lithuania

Tel: +370 686 25085

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