EU Investment Management and Administration

Optimal use and management of EU investment funds is an essential precondition for the successful implementation of Lithuania's strategic goals. EU funds management includes proper planning, monitoring and control of the action programmes based on established indicators, risk management, the organisation of the work of the institutions managing and administering EU investments, their administrative capacity, timely & effective programme evaluation practices.

We aim to help our clients properly organise the efficient work of institutions and optimize the related processes, improve the quality of EU investment management, internal control and risk management tools.

Solutions offered by PwC:

  • Monitoring of the utilisation of EU funds (forecasts, planning, use, monitoring indicators, etc.)
  • EU funds’ administration processes (planning of measures, project preparation, selection and evaluation, contracting, monitoring of contract implementation, implementation of controls, publicity, monitoring indicators, declaration to the EC etc.)
  • Application of the simplified cost options
  • Assessment of the eligibility of costs
  • Prevention of double financing
  • Ensuring project continuity requirements
  • Application of methods and forms of financing for the implementation of the Operational Programmes
  • Evaluation of efficiency of public investments (analysis of investment project alternatives, cost-benefit analysis, etc.)
  • Evaluation of the implementation of EU investment evaluation plans
  • Impact evaluation of the implemented Operational Programmes and their measures
  • Other services related to the administration and management of EU funds

Contact us

Birutė Purvaneckaitė

Birutė Purvaneckaitė

Director, Advisory services, PwC Lithuania

Tel: +370 686 25085

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