Tax Review

In tax review projects, our aim is to help our customers to save money: both in minimizing risks that could lead to additional taxes and in opportunities of unutilised tax savings.

During the review, we will answer any additional questions you may encounter and we will provide comments to the most important ones in our report at your request.

Let’s manage tax risks before the Tax Authority comes.

In assessing taxation principles applied by you, we will seek to ensure you that there are no unknown tax risks in your company and that taxes are calculated correctly.

Once we have identified the risks, firstly we will look for solutions to adjust the situation in such a way that no additional taxes are paid. We will recommend you considering adjusting the returns and paying additional taxes only if we do not see other safe solutions.

We are looking for cost-effective tax solutions which help you pay taxes only to the extent required by laws, their interpretation and practice. Every day, we follow the case law and opportunities provided by it, as well as learn from experience in other countries in order to use it in Lithuania.

We will offer ideas for saving or reducing risks by providing arguments "for" and "against". You will only have to make a decision.

We know which tax issues arise in various business areas, so we will not only answer your questions raised, but we will also proactively analyse areas where, to the best of our knowledge there are hidden risks or savings typical to your business sector.

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