PwC’s Flexible Legal Resources

This is a new and modern approach for the cooperation between customers and experts, which is an alternative solution to the current offers on the market.

Flexibility and freedom of choice

The labyrinth of legal requirements and regulations can be complex, but we like to make it understandable. Aware of today's business challenges, we have created an innovative and flexible legal solution in Switzerland that will increase the value of your business in Latvia - PwC's Flexible Legal Resources.

Current labor market trends show that finding skilled workers is becoming increasingly difficult. Consequently, companies are looking for alternative solutions so that the work does not stop, and it is done in consistently high quality, and at a reasonable price.

Whether you have to cover a temporary shortfall in resources, need support with longer-term assignments, or require specific outside expertise (for instance to comply with new regulations), you select exactly the right people for you, with the skills and attitude to get your job done.

The solution is entirely flexible: you determine whether your specialists work from home or on your premises, individually or in teams, on a fixed-contract or indefinite basis.

And most importantly of all, your chosen experts work to your instructions and answer directly to you.

The benefits for our clients

Our team of selected experts includes professionals from various fields who offer a wide range of specialization and experience. You can choose the right expert or team for your business, for example, to support existing employees working on a project that requires in-depth knowledge in one of the areas, or to eliminate temporary labor shortages, such as replacing an absent permanent employee or even an entire team.

Our rigorous selection process means that you can be sure of obtaining highly qualified experts with in-house experience and the business know-how to make a significant contribution to value. Clients can rely on us for high-quality, easily accessible and cost-effective legal and regulatory expertise.

The breadth and depth of our bench is unrivalled. It comprises people with a wide range of different cultural backgrounds, language skills, industry experience and legal qualifications – in all areas of expertise. You remain firmly in the driver’s seat when it comes to selecting – and instructing – the specialists best suited to your needs and company culture.

The benefits for our specialists

With Flexible Legal Resources, you’ll be able to maintain the autonomy to work flexibly. We show you the projects we have available so that you can choose the work best suited to you.

Flexible Legal Resources gives you the opportunity to work on fascinating, high-profile projects, without compromising on financial rewards.

You’ll be part of an extensive network of other contractors and will have the chance to attend a range of events where you can establish new relationships and expand your network.

Contact us

Roberts  Dobelis

Roberts Dobelis

Konsultants, Darījumu konsultācijas, PwC Latvia