Information about processing personal data for visitors to PwC offices

Fulfilling the obligations according to the Article 20 paragraph 1 of Law on Personal Data protection of Montenegro ("Official gazette of Montenegro", no. 79/08, 70/09, 44/12, 22/17, hereinafter be referred to as “LPDP”) the data controller informs that

  1. PricewaterhouseCoopers d.o.o. Podgorica, Bulevar Džordža Vašingtona 98, Podgorica, TIN: 02656337 („PwC”, “we”) will be the controller of your personal data.

  2. If you have any questions or complaints regarding your personal data being processed by PwC, and/or the rights you possess, please contact us via email:;

  3. PwC processes your personal data for the following purposes and on the following legal basis:


A legal basis A purpose of the processing

Article 10 paragraph 2 point 1) of the LPDP – compliance with a legal obligation to which PwC is subject such as

The Law on criminal procedure



Disclosure of personal data to the right holders by law (e.g. police)

Article 35 paragraph 1 of the LPDP - compliance with a legal obligation to which PwC is subject


Article 10 paragraph 2 point 5) of the LPDP – lawful interests pursued by the PwC



  • Ensuring physical security of people, property and information in buildings used by PwC through video surveillance and access control systems;

  • Exercising legal claims


4. Your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties except the following recipients:

  • entities cooperating with PwC to ensure the security of persons, property or information on the premises of PwC offices e.g. property managers, security agencies and firms, companies which provide the services of operation and maintenance of the video surveillance system;

  • governmental or regulatory authorities, courts and law enforcement authorities or agencies as required by and/or in accordance with applicable law or regulation.

5. Video recordings are typically automatically overwritten after a short period of      time unless an issue is identified that requires investigation (such as a theft)

6. In relation to processing your personal data you have the following rights: right to access, to rectification (updating), to erasure, to restriction of processing and to object. In addition, you have a right to lodge a request for protection of rights and complaint with a data protection authority (Agency for Protection of Personal Data and Free Access to the information).

7. The provision of personal data is voluntary, but it is necessary for PwC to pursue its lawful interests of ensuring the security of our offices, or it results from performance of obligations under the law. If you do not provide us with personal data, you may be denied entry into the registered office, branches or other premises of PwC.