PayWell - Apply here

We would like to inform you that PayWell 2022 Salary and Benefits Survey applications are open. For more details please look at PayWell brochure.

Survey Schedule:

Step 1 – Registration

You can file your application to participate in the survey via email at The registration deadline is 20 June 2022.

Step 2 – Job Matching and Data Collection workshop

To ensure that Survey participants will complete the job matching in accordance with PayWell methodology, in March we will organise workshops where we will go through instructions for proper job matching. Additionally, individually with all participants, we will go step-by-step through all elements of questionnaires to ensure successfully completing of the data collecting process.

Step 3 – Filling the Questionnaires

After you have attended the workshop, you will receive questionnaires to fill out, as well as PayWell Catalogues for matching the job positions. PwC’s team will be available to support you with data collection, at any time. The deadline for returning completed questionnaires is 16 September 2022. Upon the receipt of questionnaires, PwC’s team will perform final checks and will prepare the data for processing.

Step 4 – Reporting

After the data has been collected and verified, data processing will start. The PayWell Package Report will be issued at the end of October.



PayWell Report package includes:



To all participants PwC team will provide the assistance for interpretation of the report.

Survey Methodology Explanation

This documents provides the description of methodology of the PayWell salary, compensation and benefits survey, as well as instructions for the understanding the reports.

Job Reports

Job Report enables you to access detailed statistics per job positions. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately.

Individual Report

Individual report is interactive sector report, which presents comparative overview of the Survey participant salary statistics with salary statistics from the relevant industry group.

Bulk Report

Bulk Report includes four types of reports that presents salary statistics for base pay and total pay and for monthly and annually values. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately;

Grade Report

Grade Report enables access to salary statistics based on PayWell grades. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately.

Customized report

Customized report is a tool that allows you to choose at least 3 peers from the list of participant companies and to generate report that will include only their data (Peer group report); 

Compensation and Benefits Report

Compensation and Benefits Report – provides a summary of compensation policies commonly used by companies in the Serbian market along with a summary of benefits provided by employers. The report gives an analysis of the compensation and benefits policy for the entire sample and across sectors;

PayWell Catalogue

PayWell Catalogue with job descriptions for more than 1,000 job positions.

Survey Methodology Explanation

This documents provides the description of methodology of the PayWell salary, compensation and benefits survey, as well as instructions for the understanding the reports.

Job Reports

Job Report enables you to access detailed statistics per job positions. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately.

Individual Report

Individual report is interactive sector report, which presents comparative overview of the Survey participant salary statistics with salary statistics from the relevant industry group.

Bulk Report

Bulk Report includes four types of reports that presents salary statistics for base pay and total pay and for monthly and annually values. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately;

Grade Report

Grade Report enables access to salary statistics based on PayWell grades. The analysis is provided for the whole market and for each sector separately.

Customized report

Customized report is a tool that allows you to choose at least 3 peers from the list of participant companies and to generate report that will include only their data (Peer group report); 

Compensation and Benefits Report

Compensation and Benefits Report – provides a summary of compensation policies commonly used by companies in the Serbian market along with a summary of benefits provided by employers. The report gives an analysis of the compensation and benefits policy for the entire sample and across sectors;

PayWell Catalogue

PayWell Catalogue with job descriptions for more than 1,000 job positions.