IAS 27 Separate financial statements


When company A becomes a parent and gains control over company B, company A has to prepare consolidated financial statements of the group, unless the exemptions specified in IFRS 10 are applicable. Does company A have to prepare separate financial statements as well? Preparation of separate  financial statements is not mandatory under IFRS, but an entity might be required by local legislation or it might elect to present separate financial statements.

According to IAS 27 standard separate financial statements are defined as those presented by an entity in which the  entity could elect to account for its investments in subsidiaries, joint  ventures and associates either at cost, in accordance with IFRS 9, or using the  equity method as described in IAS 28. This course is designed to help you understand the concept of separate financial statements, economic interest financial statements and individual financial statements. It also details the available accounting methods for accounting investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in an entity's separate financial statements, including the accounting treatment of related dividends and impairment considerations. Practical examples and interim tests are included in the e-learn to enhance understanding.

This course will enable you to:

  • define the underlying principle of IAS 27 standard
  • define the separate financial statements required to be prepared by an entity
  • define accounting methods for investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates in the separate financial statements
  • understand the impairment considerations
  • specify derecognition rules of investments
  • review IAS 27 standard's disclosure requirements

Further information:

  • Training hours: 60 minutes
  • Language: English

This e-learning course is part of an e-learning series designed by PwC Academy Hungary which aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the application of IFRS (IAS) standards to finance and accounting experts who are already familiar with fundamental (local) accounting and reporting processes.



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Ana Cetkovic

Ana Cetkovic

PwC's Academy Coordinator, PwC Montenegro

Tel: +382 67 643 304