When we have an asset that is controlled by the entity, future economic benefits are expected to be derived from the asset, there is lack of physical substance but the asset is identifiable, we speak about intangible assets as defined by the IAS 38 standard. Since these assets have special characteristics, there should be special recognition, measurement and disclosure criteria for these type of assets.
Intangible assets can be developed internally, acquired separately or acquired in a business combination. It is important to make distinction between the three categories as the classification will determine the appropriate accounting treatment of the expenses incurred. This course explains these three categories in detail, after which the measurement requirements of IAS 38 are discussed (initial measurement, subsequent measurement methods, amortisation, impairment, disclosure requirements) using practical examples and interim tests to enhance understanding.
This e-learning course is part of an e-learning series designed by PwC Academy Hungary which aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the application of IFRS (IAS) standards to finance and accounting experts who are already familiar with fundamental (local) accounting and reporting processes.