28th Annual Global CEO Survey – Findings for North Macedonia
Check out our new CEO Survey for North Macedonia
Check out our new CEO Survey for North Macedonia
Exploring the findings from the PwC's 2nd CFO Compass Survey - our Finance Function Maturity assessment among CFOs of companies in the SEE region.
The findings of our 28th Annual Global CEO Survey show that CEOs are reaping early productivity gains from Generative AI and rising payoffs from investments in sustainability. The challenge is to increase scope and speed.
The second edition of our SEE CFO Compass Survey has started
M&A in 2025: Big deals, winning hands, and wild cards. Megadeal momentum returns to the market—but dealmakers will need to expect the unexpected.
Reaching net zero is the biggest collective action humanity has ever undertaken. This article explores where we are and aren't gaining momentum toward net zero - and what we can do about it.
Learn why mergers and acquisitions (M&A) designed for a capabilities fit deliver better outcomes, and practical steps to maximize value in deals.