Our environmental impact

Malta Annual Review 2019

Our role at PwC is to build trust in society and solve important problems. The care of our environment, and issues of sustainability, are therefore at the core of who we are, and how we aspire to operate. To reinforce this trust and lead by example, we need to start with ourselves. 

Year on year we aim to limit our impact on the environment, and we look for ways to give back to the community. Our ‘Green committee’ meets regularly throughout the year, and is charged with monitoring and reducing our environmental impact, while coming up with new initiatives for the firm as a whole. Furthermore, the firm’s Sustainability Advisory Services team helps our clients better manage ongoing environmental and social issues by raising awareness and providing key insight and knowledge.

What we've done

Reducing waste

Last year, the Green Committee took the initiative to substantially reduce our usage of polystyrene. We are proud to say that PwC Malta is now completely polystyrene free. The introduction of glasses and mugs across all floors and departments means that staff and clients do not drink from single-use cups while on PwC premises. 

We also remain committed to reducing paper usage, and a number of initiatives have been undertaken over the last year. All meeting rooms, board rooms and partners’ offices are  equipped with full HD TVs, with the aim of reducing the need for printing documents when presenting or discussing during the respective meetings.. Initiatives to drive the use of online platforms and digital documents have allowed our people to collaborate digitally and reduce paper usage. Over the last year, the firm worked collaboratively using 12,500 digital documents, thus allowing us to go a long way in reducing our paper consumption.

We remain committed to the separation of waste, and to promoting recycling efforts, by increasing the availability of special purpose bins across the firm.


Contact us

Romina Soler

Romina Soler

Assurance Partner, PwC Malta

Tel: +356 2564 7293

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